Jealous (Not sponsored by Nick Jonas)

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Y/N. In a room. Alone. With Sam.


Y/N. Screaming his name as he pleasures her.


Y/N. Telling Sam she loves him.

Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hi- THUMP!

Bucky sank to the ground in his exhaustion. His T-shirt was soaked with sweat but he didn't care. He glanced at the punching bag he'd just butchered and sighed as he trotted towards it to pick it back up.


Bucky turned around and was met by the lovely sight of you in nothing but a giant hoodie that belonged to him. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your arms then raised an eyebrow at him.

"What're you doing up so early?" You asked, half-yawning as you ran your fingers through your tangled hair. You glanced at the clock hung above the treadmills.


He hooks the punching bag back onto the stand and peels of his shirt, wringing it before throwing it to the side. Your eyes widen at the sight.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair, "I couldn't sleep,"

"Yeah I figured that much, but damn," You replies, "You went hard on that punching bag today, poor thing," You said softly as you touched the punching bag's torn rubber.

"Any reason why?" You continued, knowing you were prodding him and that was probably not the best idea.
But he was just Bucky.

You're best friend.

Bucky's cheeks reddened and he muttered something under his breath before looking back at you, "I was trying to build my stamina," he said lamely and you placed your hands on your hips, the action causing the hoodie you were wearing to rise revealing your thighs. You caught Bucky sneak a glance at them and quickly dropped your hands to your sides as your thighs made you very self conscious.

"You know you can't fool me, Buck, you're a super soldier, how much more stamina do you need?"
You said gently as you sat him down next to you, and guided his head to your lap, lightly weaving your fingers through his hair because you knew the action relaxed him.

He shut his eyes, enjoying the calming sensation of your finger tips pressing at his scalp before he spoke again, "I...I don't like it when you hangout with Sam," he spluttered and you felt your eyes widen as your fingers stopped.


He sat up, crossing his legs and facing you, his hair still disheveled from the massage you'd just given him but honestly, it looked kinda hot.

"I don't like it when you hangout with Sam," He said more firmly this time and you had to stifle the giggles threatening to escape your mouth as you looked at his face morphed into a rare and perfect pout.

"But," You began as one hundred possibilities began racing through your mind, "Why?"

Your heart was heavy against your chest, pounding into your skin repeatedly and you felt your blood rushing to your ears. Bucky laced his fingers into yours and you both indulged into a staring contest, his eyes like tainted glass as he looks at you and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Heat travels up your arm and you glance at it trying to get it to shut up as if it was screaming. You looked for a source and realized that said source was Bucky.

How did he make you feel this way?

You didn't like the feeling of being vulnerable around him. But at the same time you adored it. You loved it when he ruffled your hair and cuddled you and listened to everything you had on your mind. He was the only person in the tower who understood you.

and it was wonderful.

Your leg created a scratching sound against the floor when you moved closer and you blushed in embarrassment, pulling the hoodie you were clothed in over your knees so it was hidden. So you didn't have to deal with it anymore.

Suddenly Bucky's elbows rested on your calves as he pulled the hem of the hoodie up again, exposing the most vulnerable part of you.

The part of yourself that you hated most.

You grabbed his wrist, halting him from revealing your identity and shook your head, "Please don't,"

He looks at you and tilts his head, his hand going loose in your grasp as if he was asking 'why?'

You let go of him, hugging your knees that were thankfully now covered by thick fabric as you slid away from his grasp, "I...

You stood up and he followed, "I hate myself," you whispered softly,
"I hate this thing- you pointed to your leg- "stuck to my body, reminding me of all the pain I've caused,"

Tears were filling your eyes but you refused to let them out.

You wouldn't let yourself fall weak around him.
Not even if his reassuring embrace was all you wanted at that moment.

"I...don't want to be myself anymore, and I don't want you to see the part of myself that holds the most," you thought of a word to describe it, "negativity in my body, so much so that I can't even bare to look at myself in the mirror,"

"The ugliest part of myself, the flaw," you finished, your hands wrapping around yourself and you realized that your own mind had betrayed you as Bucky moved closer, his hands wiping the tears that had leaked onto your face.

"I think it's the most beautiful thing about you," He said softly, his eyes squinting at you as he cupped your face in his hands, "And I love it because it's who you are, it shows what you've gone through, it shows that you fought a battle," he paused to take a deep breath,

"And survived,"

He pulled you into his arms and you listened to the quiet hum of his heart, "I love it because it's a part of you and I would never, ever change it," he mumbled.

You looked up at him, his hands still on your waist, "Why are you saying all of this to me?"

He leaned down and next thing you knew, he'd captured your lips into a tender kiss, his mouth moving against yours in perfect sync. You get on your tip toes, wrapping your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and he smiles into your mouth.

He pulls away, his and your eyes dazed as he tucks a rogue lock of your hair behind your ears.

"Because you gave me purpose," he said and you couldn't decipher the emotion running through his eyes.


"You gave me a reason to love myself, to accept my metal arm,"

"You picked me up at the lowest point of my life and I've found every single part of you beautiful ever since,"

"So please, let me show you- all of you-the love you deserve," he said, his hands traveling to the hem of the one thing that separated him from your weakness.

And this time you didn't stop him and couldn't describe the emotions you felt as he caressed your metal leg and pulled you toward him, you both falling to the ground as he peppered kisses onto your body.

Maybe it was love.

It had become such a foreign feeling that you pulled the heat of his body closer to you, basking in the warmth of his mouth against yours and the intense feeling of happiness that flowed through your stomach.

Just to clear things up:

You and Bucky were both soldiers brainwashed by hydra.

While Bucky lost his arm in the train accident you lost your leg while fighting off a rabid wolf near the hydra base. That's where they found you.

Bucky One-Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora