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Part 2 to Truth or Dare

"You think we should bust down the door, Bruce Lee style?"

"I think we should leave them alone for a while,"

"It's been 20 minutes, I'm getting worried they've killed each other by now,"

"Sure, if you think sex and murder are the same thing,"

"You are no help,"


"Also, ewwww,"

"Alright, guys, I'm going in,"

Natasha unlocked the door from the outside and twisted it open, poking her head around it. Her eyes widened as she entered and looked around before turning back at the others and shaking her head,
"They're gone,"

Tony's mouth fell open and he looked at Steve who smiled and nodded towards the open window at the end of the unnecessarily large closet.

"Brace yourselves," Loki muttered, his eyes not leaving his phone once as Thor wrapped a comforting hand around Tony's shoulders, an uncertain smile on his face.

"Tony, I'm sure they had good reason wh-

"They abandoned my party?!" Tony screeched, cutting Thor off.

"Obviously you dum-dum, they couldn't just fuck in your closet," Natasha hollered, "Semen.Everywhere,"

The room chorused into a hollow sound of 'ews' and 'gross' and 'sick'. Natasha smirked to herself, knowing that she'd been the great best friend she was by causing a distraction and closing any talk about your sex life simultaneously. She flipped her auburn hair behind her shoulders before walking out, closing the door behind her.

The lovely scent of peppermint and wood invaded your senses as you slowly awoke. You stretched your arms above your head, yawning, your eyes still shut. Warmth enveloped your right side and you snuggled into it, your face pressed against the hot skin.

Wait a second.

You shot up, realizing you were on a balcony, lying on a worn out mattress. You looked down and found yourself naked, quickly pulling the blanket you were wrapped in over your bare chest, covering it. You prayed that it wasn't him. That it wasn't true. That you hadn't betrayed the oath you made yourself take at the beginning of the school year.

But as you saw him stir in his sleep out of your peripheral vision, you knew you were the person being in denial.

He actually looked quite adorable when he slept, his skin glistening in the sweet sunlight of the morning, his mouth slightly parted. His hair was a disheveled mess and you couldn't help the small smile that itched it's way onto your lips.

You didn't regret this.
Not one percent.

You yourself knew that you'd wanted him ever since you'd set foot in the pre-calculus class where you guys first met. Even though you'd hated him, his personality had an addictive side effect and you always seemed to be wanting more. You yourself knew that he'd leave you after this and things would go back to the way they were. That he'd never be yours.

It was just the way he rolled.

So, you settled back in bed with him, wrapping an arm around his torso as you rested your head on his bare chest. You were surprised to feel him press a kiss to the top of your head, and you looked up at him out of instinct.

He was smiling down at you, his eyes glittering so wildly it was as if catherine wheels were going off in his head.

"Good morning, doll," he said, his voice deep, raspy and the perfect definition of a sexy morning voice.

"Morning," you replied huskily, as you sat up once more, this time aware he was watching you, "Jeez, where are we and how'd we get here?"

He sat up too and smiled, "This is my apartment,"

Your eyes widened, "Just the balcony or..?"

He let out a soft chuckle, "No, there's stuff inside too, a bed, a table and some chairs but I usually sleep out here,"

"It calms me down to see the stars," He continued quietly, looking down.

There was a pause and it was quite nice. The silence was comfortable as you stared out at the view and you basked in it.

"This is not an ideal place to have sex," You thought aloud and Bucky burst out laughing.

"Y-yeah," He wheezed after finally catching his breath, "But I'm glad I caught sight of the two most most beautiful things in the world last night,"

You raised an eyebrow and he sighed rubbed his forehead, "I was talking about the stars and you," he finished, "You are no fun," He huffed.

"That's not what you said last night," You retorted, smirking and wrapped the blanket around you, using it like a dress as you stood up.

"Wait!" Bucky heaved as he grabbed your wrist, "Stay,"


"Stay, out here with me," He said gently, "Don't go yet,"
His eyes pleaded and he looked up at you in anticipation.

You thought for a while then sighed, "The things I do for you,"

You flopped back onto the makeshift bed with him. He immediately pulled you into his embrace, his hold on you tight and you smiled into his chest before closing your eyes again.

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