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Ahhh! This one just makes me die of happiness idk why but it's so vivid in my brain that I can't stop smiling anyways off we go!

-pointe is how the ballet dancers stand on the tip of their toes, just thought I'd clear that up.

You let out an exhausted sigh as you entered your bedroom, tossing your duffel bag onto your bed. You limped to to the secret mini fridge you had and pulled out a can of Red Bull, downing it in one go. Then you shuffled to the washroom to wash your face.

Your mission had been the most tiring one yet, with double the infiltrating and double the enemy. You were absolutely knocked out but as you glanced at the clock that rested asymmetrically to your bed's headboard, you realized it was almost time for you to go and train with Barnes.

You didn't think much of him. Both of you were good friends and he was a great trainer, fast but could also pack a punch. He shaped you into the badass fighter you were today, from the ground up.

You couldn't skip a session with him, it was just too important.

You remembered your first day at the academy. You were terrified but refused to let it show. The avengers had taken you in after discovering that Hydra was still running experiments and that their first target was you, a 34 year old retired Veteran who succumbed to deep Staten Island after fighting in the armed forces.

Their testing had given you a slight advantage. You now had an insane amount of strength and were agile and very fast. You also had the sixth sense, which was one where you could feel danger minutes before it reached you. So it wasn't all that bad, minus the extreme trauma physically and mentally.

You slipped into a sports tank and some yoga pants, putting on your favourite trainers and pulling your hair into a pony tail. You grabbed your jacket and headphones, just incase Bucky decided it was time for a run, and made your way out the door, closing it behind you.

The elevator dinged and you stepped out. The gym took up the entire floor, except a tiny space that could let you access the changing rooms and the staircase that led to the secret pool. Your ears perked up at the sound of tinkling music that travelled down the hallway and to you. It was strangely familiar and you realized it was coming from the gym.

You started humming it's tune, the song slowly traveling back to you. Dance of the Sugar Plum fairy. You swung open the door, your jaw dropping at what you saw before you.

Bucky Barnes was dressed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, dancing beautifully to the music playing. His posture was elegant as he almost floated around the gym, doing seamless pirouettes and leaps. He spun and spun, leaping around the room on one smooth tempo, graceful like a swan. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him.

His pointe was perfect, his legs not even wobbling once when he stood on it. Some strands of his hair had escaped his man bun and travelled down to his face. His eyes were closed, a content smile on his face as he danced to the best of his abilities, not giving a care in the world.

It seemed like hours had passed when the song finally came to an end, and he finished his performance by executing an incredible spilt jump and landing gently on his feet, bowing to no audience in particular. You instinctively started clapping.

He spun around, his eyes alarmed as he finally took in your presence and a light blush began spreading across his cheeks.

"Where'd you learn how to dance like that? You were amazing!" You exclaimed, grinning wildly. He smiled back at you, the left side of his face lifting higher than the right.

"Thank you, I did ballet, back in the day," he answered.

"That's so cool!" You still hadn't completely processed what had just happened. Your eyes trailed back to Bucky, who was now setting up the mats for you two to spar on.

This man was an absolute mystery, everything he did was completely wack.

"Yup, it was a passion and life long dream I'd had, to be a dancer ya know, then it just kinda sunk," he blurted.

"Really?" You asked, knowing you were prodding him but also knowing that he didn't mind, "How so?"

"Well," He tucked his hair behind his ears, "I always wanted to be a dancer so when I heard they were giving free classes at my high school, I was ecstatic,"

"Turns out it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows for the dancers, and my teacher was super rough on us. She would have intense punishments for when we did something wrong and at that time, it was considered okay to do stuff like that,"

You listened to him talk solemnly, his head hung low, nodding your own head every time he got stuck on a sentence and had to take a few breaths. You put your hand over his, ushering him to continue.

"I became too wound up in my dancing. Even when I executed routines perfectly, I was never good enough for myself. I fell down a path of intense self-hatred and eventually, drug abuse,"

"I was extremely suicidal, and felt no reason to live anymore, Steve, bless him, tried to help but I was just incurable," He sighed, "So I joined the armed forces, I figured if I couldn't fix myself I could at least put myself to good use,"

He lifted his head and grinned at you, "It was the right decision because after I made Sargent I finally felt accomplished, I was proud of myself and eventually all of my problems died, until the fall of course,"

"But all of that doesn't matter anymore because I'm finally content with where I am and who I am, and no one can snatch that feeling from me," he said, his chest involuntarily rising in pride and you chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"That's great, Buck," You said and your eyes travelled to your other hand that was still firmly linked with his. Sparks travelled up all the way to your neck and suddenly you were burning hot, as you slowly tugged your hand away, a small smile on your lips.

You'd always thought that Bucky was just this chill, completely normal guy, but under that façade he had so much more to him. Not in a million years would you have thought he would be a dancer and yet here he was, a dance prodigy. You wondered what else he had in store for you and looked forward to your sessions with him more and more until you eventually realized why you enjoyed being around him so much.

You liked him a lot.

So one day you mustered up the courage to ask him out and he ended up saying yes. You both went to watch The Nutcracker ballet and you could tell it made him very happy. His eyes closed as Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy began to play through the theater and he swayed his head to the rhythm, humming it under his breath.

His hand found yours and linked his fingers through yours. You smiled at him softly. He looked at peace and genuinely happy. He opened his bright blue eyes to find you inches away from his face, the widest smile on your face.

You couldn't help it. You leaned in and kissed him.

He kissed you back, not missing a beat, smiling into the kiss. You grinned as he pulled away.

"Enjoying yourself?" You asked, laughing. He smirked and pecked your lips quickly, catching you off guard.

"Now I am," He said softly and you couldn't help but burst into a heap of giggles.

You both went on to get married 4 years later and had two lovely kids, twin baby girls. You named them Rosa and Fairy after the song that had first brought you guys together.

And all it took was Bucky's dancing to steal your heart.


I KNOWWW it's not very accurate but writings not supposed to be so bare with me.

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