Dance, senõrita

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Part 2 to You look good in that Dress.

Your eyes squinted through the crowd, focusing on Barnes who sat talking to Dr. Avrid. He seemed to be doing a good job because the scientist's hands moved from his drink to Bucky's left thigh. Heat flowed into the pit of your stomach.

You hadn't taken Barnes to be the cocky type but god damn that man had the confidence of Julius Caesar. And it was attractive. Very attractive. You watched them speaking for a few minutes, Bucky's eyes narrowing at Creng's before he grabbed the latter by the sleeve and led them out of the party.

The mission had begun.

You swung into action, your nano-tech gun materializing in a holster on your thigh as you ran, and stopped to pull off your heels before bolting again.

"Come in, whitewolf, I repeat, come in whitewolf," you said into your ear piece.

"You don't have to say that every time you speak to me on this thing, we're not in some cheesy spy flick,"

"Talk to me, princess prick," You retorted sharply and could almost feel him roll his eyes.

"Creng's down, I got the intel and some random flash drive from his pocket. I'm searching his room right now," Bucky replied to you and you released a sigh.

"Be careful," You said to him.

"Worried about me?" He said and you could hear his annoying smirk in his voice.

"Of course I am, you moron! You can't die, not on my mission, so go grab whatever you find and hurry up, I'm starving,"

"Yes ma'am!"
You let out a loud laugh, your eyes crinkling with the pressure of keeping them open so you could look at Bucky. He sat next to you, a soft smile on his face but by the way his eyes glared, you knew he was unhappy.

Simon, a lovely guy you'd met at the party sat to your other side, grinning. He was slightly shorter than Bucky, and moderately attractive but it was his humor that appealed to you the most.

You and Bucky had finished the mission with lots of time to spare, so Simon became your release.

You chuckled and turned to him, a sultry look invaded your eyes unintentionally,
"So, Simon, what do you do for a living?"

He smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth at you and revealing his dimples,
"I don't have to do much, you really don't get a lot to do when you're working for Creng industries,"

Your eyes widened, and you could hear Bucky choke on his drink behind you. You couldn't tell if he was laughing or in general shock but you placed your bet on the former,
"You work for Creng industries?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, it's one of the 'privileges' of being Avrid Creng's son,"

Your mouth curved into an 'O' and you sighed, putting your drink down, "Excuse me for a minute, Simon," You said as you got up, pulling Bucky by the collar with you.

Bucky wheezed for the fifth time in a row, laughing so hard he had to grip his stomach to stop himself from falling onto the ground.
"I can't believe it! I just can't believe it!"

You huffed, crossing your arms, "Shut up," You muttered, slouching onto the couch of his hotel room. Your bottom lip stuck out and you rubbed your forehead tensely. Bucky noticed you were stressed and stopped laughing, his eyes concerned and confused.

The couch dipped and you glanced back to see he'd sat next to you.
"Hey," He said softly, his hand comfortingly going around your waist so fast he didn't even realize he was doing it, "Hey, it's alright, I'm sorry,"

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