You look good in that dress

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"I have called this briefing today because there's an issue, an international one," Tony said, and rubbed his tired eyes to awaken himself. His linen pajamas hung loosely on his hips as he chugged another cup of coffee that had gone cold from sitting on his desk for too long. He sighed and wiped his mouth.

"Please tell me there are no more falling cities," Natasha said while yawning simultaneously as she scratched her left leg.

"No, thank god there are no falling cities, but there's been intel that," Tony paused to take a breath, and stretch his arms, "There's been intel that hydra's up and running again, this time in Spain,"

"Nazi's? Again? Why won't they just fucking quit?" Sam mumbled from underneath his hoodie, his face buried in its soft fleece.

"I don't know," Cap sighed, hands cupping his own face, "I'll go do it, I haven't been to Spain before anyways,"

"Actually, Rogers, I was thinking of sending Bucky on this one,"

He stood up, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glaring with hostility, "Bucky? How?"

Stark put his hands up in defense, "It's just a observe and report mission, plus Y/N is assigned to go with him,"

Your head snapped up in Tony's direction and Natasha smirked, "Excuse me?" You grunted, your throat hoarse from how exhausted you were.

"Look, both you and Bucky were brainwashed by the Nazi's and have extensive knowledge on the organization, I just thought-

"You thought wrong, there's no way I'm going to Spain," You retorted.

Of course you wanted to go to Spain. Especially with Bucky. That seemed like the best assignment ever but you couldn't risk him going through another trigger. You both were very close as partners and you knew what hydra did to people. Nightmares, cold sweat, horrible flashbacks that you still had. You just couldn't do that to him.

Bucky stayed quiet, his fingers strumming against the table as if he was in deep thought. You glanced at him and your gazes locked, his blue and yours (Y/E/C). You quirk an eyebrow and he nods his head at the door and gets up to leave.

"Just give us a minute," you say and pace behind him.

He closes the briefing room door so it's just you two in the hallway, "Are you ok with going with me to Spain?"

Your jaw almost dropped, your eyes wide, "You wanna take the mission?"

His eyes sparkled and it looked as if a small smile was tickling his lips, "Hell yeah, hydra needs to get their ass kicked,"

You smiled, "Okay, then I guess we're going to Spain," and Bucky returned your smile before he turned to go back. You put your hand on his shoulder, spinning him around so he was facing you again.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" You asked and he nodded his head.

"One-hundred percent,"

"I don't know why we're going dancing, is it really necessarily part of the mission?"

Natasha laughed at you through the screen of your phone, "Yeah, obviously,"

Your fingers ruffled through your bag haphazardly, throwing things everywhere. Finally, you let out a content sigh as you pulled out a single tube of red lipstick.

You smeared it onto your lips and stood up, pulling the dress of the same searing, hot color that came up to your mid-thigh, lower. Your eyebrows furrowed in disgust.

"I have never been more uncomfortable," you said to Natasha as you brushed out the soft waves you'd put in your hair and fanned them out over your shoulders.

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