Accused: Part 1

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Carissa ran, the Soul Pieces clamped in her fist, her breath thick in her throat. This meant Elon knew who the Reaper was—and he hadn't told her. But why? Why would he protect the identity of a Reaper who deserved death? Was this some sort of mercy on his part?

The gates clanked, then squeaked. Someone was opening them again, and it likely wasn't the women. If someone discovered her presence, she'd lose all reputability—and she'd likely tarnish Elon's reputation as well.

Carissa slowed, pressing her back into the rough bark of a tree.

There was silence. Whoever had entered the gardens, it most definitely wasn't the women.

She remained clamped to the tree, forcing her breathing to calm.

And then she heard it, a quiet, faint whisper, "Tracks, sir."

A few beats a of silence, then, "Someone is here. The women were right."

Carissa clenched her jaw, until she feared the men could hear the creaking of her muscles. What should she do? If she stayed, that was her best chance of remaining unnoticed, since as soon as she moved, she'd likely make noise.

But if the men came any closer, she was caught. The only way she'd be able to outrun them was if she had a head start. But even if she had a head start, they likely had the gate secured, and the other gate was locked. Her best chance was hoping she remained unnoticed.

Carissa sank down to her haunches.

"The tracks are fresh, sir. Recent. It seems the murderer is still here."

So they'd just assumed the women were right? That the murderer was frightened the women as opposed to a random person? She could be in more trouble than she'd realized.

"Then we'll find him soon enough. Have your daggers ready, men."

Silence claimed the forest once more. Carissa breathed quietly, slipping air in and out of her lungs. Then there was a pop to her right. A snap behind her.

Her body tensed, like a coiled spring ready to launch, but she forced herself to remain still. As soon as she gave into the temptation to run, it was all over, and in the darkness, she couldn't count on her status of queen to save her before they tried to capture her.

A dark figure loomed to her left, and she stopped breathing entirely. If she could keep motionless, perhaps—

The man's head turned. "I've got him!" He drew his dagger as he launched himself towards her.

He slammed into her just as she rose to her feet. The world was a flurry of darkness, clawing branches, crunching leaves. Then the man was sitting atop her, a line of cold steel chilling her neck.

"Don't move."

Time to pull the queen card. "Get off me, you oaf. How dare you assault the queen?"

He drew back, and Carissa used the opportunity to try and roll away from him. He used the brunt of his weight to pin her down again. "I said don't move. And what would the queen be doing at the gardens at this time of the night anyhow, eh?"

Other figures drew near, their faces obscured by shadow. Though this would all be resolved once they realized she truly was the queen, a trickle a fear ran down her spine.

A moment later, a torch flared to life, blinding her.

Someone sighed, his voice rich with familiarity. "It's alright, Quint. It's the Queen—I recognize her."

"But what would the Queen be—"

"It's not our job to question royalty; it's our job to protect them. Get off of her."

The knight grunted, but finally removed himself.

A strong hand clasped Carissa's elbow and helped her stand. Carissa blinked against the glare of the torch. "Sir Valen?"

He nodded. "The gardens are locked for a reason, your highness. We'd best get you inside."

The first knight stepped nearer, and Carissa nearly backed into Sir Valen. "But the blood and bones—does that mean she's responsible? We can't just let her go."

Sir Valen shrugged. "We'll inform the King and let him act accordingly. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but this is between her and the King."

"But the King's asleep by now, Valen."

"Then we'll inform him on the morrow."

"And what shall we do with her in the meantime?" His voice held an undercurrent of darkness, a threat veiled in concern. A shiver crept over her skin.

"What mean you?" Sir Valen stepped forward, in between her and the other knight.

"If she's the murderer, we can't just leave her unsupervised during the night."

"Are you suggesting we imprison her?"

Carissa swallowed. "Sir Valen, I—"

Sir Valen held up a palm to silence her. "Forgive me, but not now, your highness." He nodded to the other man. "As you were saying, Quint?"

"We'll just hold her until the morning, until the King can pardon her."

Sir Valen shook his head. "The King has Foresight, and I think if we were supposed to imprison his queen, he'd tell us—"

"I'm beginning to doubt that."

The other knights quieted, and for a moment no one breathed.

Another man spoke up, "What mean you?"

Quint folded his arms. "I mean the King's Foresight. If he truly had it, you'd think that he wouldn't have allowed the border to come so far."

"Such talk is treasonous."

Quint snorted. "Come now. Don't tell me none of you have wondered the same."

"That's true," someone muttered.

Sir Valen stiffened. "As his knights, we're required to trust him completely. If he says he has Foresight and a plan for what's happening, we must—"

"Blindly believe whatever he says?"

"Trust him."

"Trust him? If he has Foresight, he knows who the murderer is, yet he hasn't revealed the murderer's identity to anyone. Have you ever wondered if," his glare pierced Carissa, "that's because his own queen was guilty of the crime?"


Author's Note: 7k more votes to go until Monday! You guys are amazing <3

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