1. Impossible to Forget?

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  • Dedicated to Mariko

*Disclaimer: Soul Eater has never been mine, nor will it ever be. I only own my few OCs.*

It had been two years.

That was the only thing Mifune Nagani associated with this day. Not that it was a Tuesday, or that his rambunctious daughter Angela's birthday was in a mere five days. At the moment, none of that mattered. Not the gentle breeze on his face as noon crept along, and not the singing of a bird perched somewhere high above. None of it could distract him from the thought that he had waited so long--all for the wrong reasons.

Today was the day Saki Amaya left his life. Left him for unexplained reasons, vanished, simply because she could.

Mifune was the kind of person to love people with everything he had. Maybe, he wondered, that was why Saki had left. Maybe he was just too much for her.

But that didn't make sense, because Saki loved people almost as hard as Mifune did. It was what made them work--their equal parts of crazy.

He dwelled on the whys all day, not even paying much attention to his students. He knew that this wasn't the proper thing to do, being a teacher, but he just couldn't help it. He drawled on and on about the history of some famous battle, his voice a monotone and the words not really mattering.

Saki Amaya was always in the back of his mind, and he hadn't yet found a way to get rid of her.

But a part of him didn't want to let go just yet.

"Professor Nagani?" it was Sid, standing by the doorway.

The zombie had found his way to the staff break room, a small, quaint area with minimal tables and many papers stacked upon them. The lights flickered, old and dim, but Mifune didn't mind. He loved it, in fact, and spent all of his freetime at work in the cramped space, reading or grading papers.

Sid looked equal parts tired and, well, dead, but he had reason to be the latter, so Mifune dared not question him. His blue skin had taken on a grayish hue, and his hair wasn't in its normal controlled state, so Mifune prepared himself for the worse.

"Yes?" the samurai asked casually, setting down his book.

"You're needed up front," Sid said. Just like that, the teacher was gone, off to do God knows what.

Mifune knew what he was needed for, because most new staff members were assigned to him. He became their tour guide, because no one else was willing to. It wasn't like Mifune minded though, because he enjoyed feeling useful.

When the teacher arrived at the missions board, he saw the back of a woman's head. She was hunched over the front desk, pointing at a sheet of paper as Spirit explained to her the lay of the land. She was short and frail-looking, her body lean and toned. She wore a brown leather jacket and tight jeans, complete with heels to help boost her lack-of-height. Her hair, dark and shining, fell in curls down her back, perfect and seemingly effortless. When she turned, her eyes glittered a gold-green, and her jaw dropped.

He uttered her name quietly, the shock evident in his eyes.



Author's note:

I'm SO sorry that my cover sucks, but I'm just not artistically inclined.

I appreciate anyone who reads this, for I doubt many will. XD.

Anyways, happy reading!


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