37. Naomi's Magic?

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“Alright, Naomi. I want you to try and control my thoughts. Make me think of… oh, I don’t know. Some fruit.”

Naomi stared at Kana, dumbstruck. She had just started learning... and it was already time for a test? The woman just smirked, her tattoos and hair dancing as her body stayed in place. Sighing, Naomi ran a pale hand through her mess of curls.

“Fine. Give me… give me a minute.”

Naomi shut her eyes. The whole magic thing had improved for her, if only slightly, but this was her first real test, her first chance to prove herself.

Tons of magic pulsed around her, brilliant strings of reds, blues, and greens. Purple and black radiated from Kana, her own magic, a dark sort, but Naomi’s was impossibly bright. She felt powerful as she watched all of the magic buzz around her--and she was filled with an undeniable sense of purpose.

Reaching for a strand, Naomi tried to center it into her palms. It hummed and nearly broke as she spun it with her mind, for the piece was so thin. As she thrust the ball toward Kana, her arms outstretched, the younger witch pushed all of her thoughts towards Kana, trying to make the woman see a bunch of grapes.

Kana gasped, and Naomi’s eyes flew open. “Did… did it work?”

“Yes!” Kana cried, clapping. “I saw grapes! Great work, Naomi! Absolutely spectacular.”

Naomi beamed, basking in the praise. “Thank you, Lady Kana. For everything--especially all of your help.”

Kana waved her off, her eyes gleaming. “Of course, Ms. Amaya. I always have your best interests in mind,” she stopped, placing a hand on her stomach. “Well, I’m starved. How about some dinner? I think you need a little bit of reenergizing.”



For a villain, Kana sure can be kind...


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