5. Suspicions Confirmed?

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Mifune stood, knocking away at her apartment door, just waiting to give her a piece of his mind. She had had a kid and didn’t tell him? For all he knew, the child was his. For all he knew, he had another daughter--or a son.

Saki didn’t answer the door, but rather Asher Tyson, her Weapon partner. He stood in nothing but pajama pants and a sleeveless tee, his blonde hair ruffled and knotted. His bright blue eyes were wide beneath thick-framed glasses, and he looked about ready to fall asleep at the door. “M-Mifune?”

“Is Saki home?” he asked, ignoring Asher’s timidness.

Asher shut his gaping mouth, pursing his lips. “Even if she were, she wouldn’t want to see you.”

Mifune groaned. “I know that! I have to talk to her--” he paused, a piece clicking in his mind. “Are you… are you Saki’s--fiance?”

Asher couldn’t contain a smile forming on his lips. “Yes.”

Mifune didn’t want to think about it. Now, knowing who he’d been left for, hurt so much. So much, that he almost left without talking to Saki.

But then he remembered the child part of the equation, and stayed. He held back a few choice words, and plastered a smile to his face. “Well, it’s nice to see you again, Asher--”

“Tyson, what’s going on out--” Saki glared in the samurai’s direction. “Mifune,” she said, her tone full of all ice and malice.

Ignoring her, Mifune smiled. “Nice to see you as well, Saki.”

Asher cast a glance between the pair, sighed, and left.

“What do you want?” she demanded. The Meister was still in her pajamas, a silky white number, and her dark curls were pulled back haphazardly. Nonetheless, the woman looked fearless and ready for about anything.

“A few answers,” Mifune said.

“To what?”

“Well, for starters, I’d like to know when you had a kid!”

That shut her up. Saki’s lip quivered the slightest bit, and she huffed, walking to him and shutting the front door. “Be quiet, Nagani. Asher doesn’t know--”

“So you want to keep him in the dark,” he sneered, unable to help himself, “just like you did with me.”

“I didn’t--”

“Who’s the father?”

“Honestly, Mifune,” her eyes welled a bit, and she sniffled. “Who else could it be?”

“You mean--”


His heart plummeted to his feet, every emotion slamming into him. It took all he had not to scream at her, and not to run off and find his child.

“Is that why you left?”

She bit her lip. “No. I--I can’t tell you why I did.”

“Saki,” his voice turned soft, “I deserve some answers.”

“And I’ll give them to you,” she said, placing a small hand on his forearm. He winced, shutting his eyes, and her arm dropped. “But not here, and not now.”

“Then where?”

She sighed. “Follow me.”

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