15. Her Father?

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*All bolded words are showing the use of American Sign Language*


Things started out awkward, to say the least.

There was a boatload of paperwork, most of which Mifune signed without really knowing what he was even agreeing to.

At one point, Saki giggled, looking over his shoulder.

“What?” he asked, staring at the paper. All it was was something to do with medical information, but Saki seemed to be interested in something else.

“Your signature is so pretty,” she said.

She was right though. Mifune had perfect handwriting, just like the books children learned from in kindergarten.

“Well, it beats your chicken scrawl.”

That shut her up.

By the time noon rolled around, all the work was done. Sharlene walked in, hand in hand with Scarlett, who was biting her lip.

Mifune nearly choked. That was Saki’s nervous tick too.

“Hey, baby,” Saki cooed, bending to look Scarlett in the eyes. “I’m your mommy, and I promise I’ll be a good one, yeah?”

“You have to remember,” Sharlene began, “that she understands almost none of what you’re saying. She’s just started learning Sign Language, and she’s got a long way to go.”

“Well, what am I supposed to do?” Saki demanded. “Not speak to her at all?”

“No, that is not what I’m saying--”

Scarlett made her way to where Mifune stood, and the samurai knelt beside her. She looked all scared and no happy, a combination that broke his heart.

“I...your...Dad,” Mifune signed slowly and carefully, praying that he had remembered right. He’d done a little research last night on a few of the words Scarlett knew, and hoped she understood him.

“My...Dad?” she asked.

He nodded.

Scarlett’s face broke into a grin, and she toddled closer to him, throwing herself into his arms and squeezing.

Mifune had never felt happier.


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to check out my other fanfictions!


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