28. Preparation?

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“Lord Death! Shinigami-sama!” Saki called.

Lord Death turned slowly, his head cocked to the side in concern. “Why, what is the matter, Ms. Amaya?”

“It’s Nygus,” she responded, choking on the words. “She’s dead.”

“Oh, my,” Death said, hanging his head for a solemn moment. “I’m afraid this means what I’ve been dreading. A whole new war has begun.”


Kana demanded to see Saki.

Saki was hesitant, as was everyone else. The problem--Kana would speak to no one but Ms. Amaya, so Saki hadn’t a choice. Upon the request, Saki knew the truth--that this was the woman threatening her family.

With a sullen expression, Sid handed Saki a weapon, a simple dagger. Saki took it, weighing the blade in her hand before thrusting it into her sheath, which was a silver-engraved brass number, light and heavy all at once, resting on her hip as a reminder of what was to come. She stared stonily at the dungeon door. Kana is behind there, she thought. There’s no turning back now.

“Be careful,” Sid advised. “We have reason to believe that--” he coughed to cover a bout of tears, “that she killed Nygus.”

“Yes, sir,” Saki whispered. “I will be."

But no amount of preparation could warn her of what was to come.

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