10. A Bump in the Road?

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It took some convincing, and one Angela Tantrum, but Saki finally agreed.

“Fine. I’ll go to Paris with you, Mifune.”

But little did they know, getting on that plane only resulted in a string of chain reactions to forever alter their life.


The airplane ride was uncomfortable and long, and even more uncomfortable for Mifune, considering he had a woman next to him who refused to speak his name, let alone to him.

He suspected it was some sort of defense mechanism she had built, careful to either a) not fall in love again or b) not let him fall in love with her. The latter had already happened, so he could only assume that she was ignoring him for her own sake, which he felt somewhat selfish.

The plane landed smoothly, and the pair stepped out together, Saki finally acknowledging him. “Where is she?”

“Some orphanage about thirty minutes from here,” he muttered.

“Some orphanage?” she snorted. “Great research, Mifune.”

He sneered, pulling her down an escalator. “Just come on. We have to get there before it closes, and sign all the papers, and--”

“Calm down,” she hissed. “It’ll all be fine, I swear.”

“Sure,” he said, sounding unconvinced, “whatever you say.”

They went the rest of the way in silence.


The orphanage looked a little beat-up and run-down, but Mifune couldn’t care.

All he wanted to do was get Scarlett out of there.

“I like the sound of it,” he murmured, stepping out of the cab. Jet lag had kicked in, but he couldn’t quite feel it, his body pulsing with adrenaline. Saki, however, was swaying, about ready to pass out.

“The sound of what?” she said, gripping the cab door in order to stay upright.

“Scarlett Nagani.”

Saki smiled, allowing herself a bit of affection to shine through. “Me too.”


They walked to the door together, as it should’ve been.

“I’m about to faint,” Saki stated.

“Me too,” Mifune said.

“Catch me?”

“Only if you catch me first.”

That one got her to smile, and Mifune felt proud.

When they made their way inside, a plump lady with bright blue hair greeted them. “Hello,” she said. “I’m Sharlene. May I help you?”

“Actually,” Saki said, “we’re looking for our daughter.”

“Your… daughter?”

“Yes. Scarlett Nag--Amaya.”

Mifune held back a scowl.

“Oh,” she said, not as perky as she had been earlier.

“Oh?” Mifune asked.

“Indeed. Are you aware of Scarlett’s… situation?”

“Situation? Is she not here? Did another family--” but Mifune was stopped.

“No, none of that. Scarlett has never had a family even consider having an interview. You see,” Sharlene paused, “Scarlett is deaf.”

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