11. Stopping Time with a Single Glance?

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What was Mifune supposed to say to that?

Everything crashed into him as a single blow, and it was overwhelming. He felt the urge to shout, but decided against it. He wanted to curl into a little ball, but didn’t. He wanted to do so much, but couldn’t.

“What am I supposed to say to that?” Saki demanded.

There she goes again, he thought, knowing exactly what I would say.

“I--I don’t know,” Sharlene stammered. “Whatever you want to, I suppose.”

“Take me to see my daughter,” Saki said, none too kind. “Please,” she added as an afterthought.

“Of course,” Sharlene said.

As they followed her, Mifune couldn’t keep his thoughts together. He already loved Scarlett, and hadn’t even seen her. Deaf or not, she was still his daughter, and always would be.

“Are you okay?” Saki asked, reaching, surprisingly, for his hand. “You haven’t said anything.”

“Perfectly fine,” he choked out. “It’s not like I’m going to see my daughter for the first time or anything.”

She smiled.

They came to an abrupt stop, and Sharlene began to open the door slowly. Mifune itched to reach out and throw it open himself, but thought that rude and didn’t.

Women buzzed around, tending to infants, and cribs lined the room. Scribbled drawings hung on the walls, and only about half of the kids were mobile, and those who were ran in circles on a pink rug. In the corner, a red-haired woman sat beside a small girl, making different shapes with her hands.

Mifune’s heart sped up to a point that he wanted to collapse.

And then Scarlett looked at him, and everything was okay again.

Because he had finally found her.


Author's Note:

Go check out my new fanfic, Blossom or Wilt, if you'd like!



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