17. An Afternoon of Bliss?

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Christmas Eve was upon them.

Angela had patiently waited until then for her party, which consisted of a horribly lumpy cake baked by Mifune, a crayon-colored card from Scarlett, and a less-than-perfectly wrapped gift from Saki. It didn’t matter though, because Angela stated that she was just glad to have her family with her.

Mifune swore Saki almost shed a tear.

The way Saki’d been acting toward him had changed. Mifune was beyond happy, because the woman no longer stared at him icily across the room. They even joked around and laughed, reminding Mifune painfully of years before.

What would’ve happened if she hadn’t left? What could’ve been in store for the couple?

He tried not to dwell on the ifs too much, considering that she was engaged and to be wed soon, but he still wondered and hoped, like any normal man would’ve.

“Fly?” Scarlett asked as they sat down on the grass. Angela was already up and running, Saki holding the witch in place as she settled in. The broom zoomed off, Saki yelping in shock.

“Yes,” Mifune answered. His knowledge of Sign Language was limited, but so was Scarlett’s, who didn’t mind. It was crazy to think that his daughter knew more than he did already.

But he was learning more everyday. Saki was picking it up even faster than he, and could form short sentences, even if Scarlett couldn’t yet. “We have to teach her,” Saki explained, “so I’m trying to learn all that I can.”

It wasn’t the worst idea he’d heard yet.


“DAD!” Angela called. “Pull out the camera!”

Mifune did as told, filming Angie’s riding. She was getting spectacular at it, even after a few short hours. The cake was gone, and snow had begun to coat the grass, but no one seemed too keen on leaving.

As he videotaped Angela, Scarlett crawled into his lap and in front of the camera, waving. Mifune just laughed, moving her away just enough to continue filming.

Saki stood quietly to the side, brooding. “What’s the matter?” Mifune asked, setting down the recorder and looking to the Meister.

Saki sighed, sitting beside him. “It’s Asher. I told him… everything yesterday, and now he won’t speak to me.”

“I’m sorry,” Mifune said.

And he truly was. Though he wished Saki would come back to him, Asher still deserved her. He had won her in the end, and Mifune vowed to not steal his fiance from him. It was an unspoken code between men to leave others’ girls alone.

“I know,” she whispered. “I just wish things were different."

“Me too,” was all he said. 


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed! I just know you'll love the next chapter, so stay tuned!

And be sure to check out my other fanfics and new short stories!


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