7. A Big Day Forgotten?

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The next day, Mifune did some research.

He met Stein at his laboratory that morning, eager for a few more answers to questions weighing him down.

“Alright,” Stein said, taking a seat at his computer. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”


“Is Saki ready for this?”


“Is Angela ready for this?”

That one got him thinking. Angela was his daughter, and he hadn’t quite pondered what bringing on another would do to her. He hoped she’d be happy, eager to have a new playmate, but maybe another child would only make Angela jealous. He certainly didn’t want that, but then again, he couldn’t just give up on finding his daughter.


“Where is she anyways?” Stein asked, pushing up his glasses.

“With your wife.”

“Marie has her?”


“So they’re right upstairs?”


“Well, alright then. Let’s get started.”


Needless to say, they found out a lot.

“Mifune!” Stein shouted at one point on their hunt. “I have found a possible five, all under the name Amaya. These are only the ones in orphanages, because I couldn’t exactly find her in another household--”

“Just let me see the pictures, Stein.” Mifune said, rolling his chair next to the professor’s.

On the screen were five little girls, all around the age of one and beautiful. Mifune stared at each one of them, searching to see if maybe, just maybe, one of them was his.

Mifune pointed to a girl on the screen with ginger hair and blue eyes, shaking his head. “Not her,” he said, remembering what Saki had told him. His daughter had brown eyes.

That left four, one more of which had blue eyes. “Cross her off the list too, doctor.”

Mifune stared at the last three, trying to find some sort of similarities. Two of them seemed to have Saki’s nose, but the other had his mouth. They all looked similar, until Mifune realized that he’d been going about it all the wrong way.

The girl in the middle, whose name was Rose, was three months too old. “Not her,” Mifune said, watching another picture disappear.

He focused hard on the last two, forcing himself to notice anything that could’ve indicated which child was his.

Then, Angela came running down the steps.

“Mifune!” she huffed, sounding angrier than he had ever heard her. Marie followed, her blonde hair a mess and her stomach larger than he remembered. Dang, he thought, babies sure do grow fast.

“I think you have some apologizing to do, samurai,” Marie mumbled, sitting beside her husband, who was still staring at the screen.

“Why? What’d I do?” Mifune asked, watching as Angela fumed at the staircase with her arms crossed. She sure did make one scary-looking witch when she was upset.

“Think,” Angela demanded, nearly crushing her broom between her fingers. Who knew a six year old could be so strong? “What day is it?”


“That’s right,” Angela muttered, her lip beginning to quiver. “You forgot! I thought you’d remember before we came over here, Mifune, but you forgot!”

“Angela, I--”

“Don’t bother,” she said, sniffling, “Marie and I threw our own birthday party without you.”

Forgive and Forget? ~ A Soul Eater FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now