36. A Plan?

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Stein burst into the nurse’s office.

Mifune started, noticing the doctor’s state. His usually lank gray hair was mess of knots, his green eyes looking… madder… than he had ever seen them. His coat had a few new stitches, and he grinned upon seeing the samurai.

“Stein?” Mifune demanded, sitting up in the cot and ignoring the uncomfortable scratch of the paper gown. “Where have you been?”

“At Kana’s,” Stein answered, wringing his hands and sitting beside the man. “I went to visit Saki--”

“Stein, you didn’t--”

“Oh, but I did. And I have news--”

“That I don’t want to hear! Unless you know why she left, I don’t want to hear it, Stein.” Mifune heaved a breath, his heart feeling as though someone had a chokehold on it.

“But, Mifune--”

“Don’t,” Mifune warned, “I said I don’t want to hear, Stein, and I mean it--”

“She doesn’t remember anything.”


Hours later, Mifune was out of that damned paper gown and back into his old clothes.

His osamurai shirt felt looser than before, and his belt needed to be tightened by a whole notch. Apparently being as sick as he had really took its toll on his body.

“Where is she?” Mifune demanded of the doctor. “We have to--we have to rescue her.”

“She isn’t a damsel in distress, Mifune--” Stein began.

Mifune glared at him from across the small table in Stein’s kitchen. It was metal and stitched like all of Stein’s furniture, but otherwise useful. The whole room smelled of burnt food, but the samurai ignored it. He knew Stein couldn't cook.

“She thinks her name is Naomi,” Mifune said carefully.

“Alright, maybe she does need saving,” Stein allowed.

“Thank you--”

“But there’s a problem. You see, Kana has an army. All of these witches that have lost their memories, too. They’re running around following her every command. Most of them are child witches, so they don’t know any better, plus they have no recollection of their old lives. We don’t stand much of a chance with all of these powerful people fighting against us,” Stein explained.

“Well, what do you suggest, doctor?”

“I suggest that we… wait. Kana will train Saki--”

“Train her?” Mifune stopped him.

“Apparently Saki is a witch as well. She just didn’t know it, because someone had put a very strong Soul Protect on her--”

“My girlfriend is a witch?”


“Who doesn’t know who I am?”

“Also correct.”

“So… we’re just going to wait?”

“Yes. Kana will attack soon, I just know it. I have a guess of what she might want with the DWMA, but I’m not positive. If she does come, we’ll be ready for her, and ready to save Saki.”

Mifune dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, sighing. “Alright then, doc. I’ll listen to you for once.”

Stein grinned. “Finally found your sense of right, I see.”



Alright, is it safe to say that these guys have the weirdest/best relationship ever?


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