32. Ice Cold?

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The samurai looked up, glared, and returned his gaze to his hands, wringing them in his lap.

“Mifune,” Stein said, more insistent this time. “Nagani, listen to me!”

“Damn it, Stein!” he cursed, meeting his gaze. The small nurse's room suddenly felt smaller as he glowered at his friend. “I don’t want to listen to you. I don’t want to listen to anyone.”

“Too bad,” Stein said, sitting beside Mifune’s cot on a stool, “because you’re going to.”

Mifune grumbled a few choice profanities as Stein continued, “We may have found Saki’s location--”

It took all Mifune was to say, “I don’t care.”

“What--” Stein began. “You don’t--”

“She left willingly,” he snarled. “That means she doesn’t want to be found, Stein. She doesn’t want to come back here!”

“You don’t know that,” he said. “She could’ve been threatened. Kana could’ve threatened your well-being, or--”

“She doesn’t want to be found,” Mifune said one last time.

Stein just sighed and shook his head as he left the room, leaving the bitter man to his problems.


“You look lovely, Ms. Amaya,” Kana gushed.

Saki stared down at her dress. It was a lovely blue satin, edged in black lace and dripping with black crystals. Saki made a point not to ask what was so formal and why it required her in a dress, and instead fidgeted with the black choker she wore. “Thank you, Kana.”

“Of course, of course. Now sit, dinner is upon us!”

The dining room was made up of a long oak table to seat thirty, a golden chandelier, and painting of all kinds along the walls. Butlers rushed around serving drinks and crackers, making Saki feel out of place. She had never been one for fancy attire or dinners, and itched to strip out of this dress and back into her jeans.

All of the witches piled in one by one. Most of them were Angela’s age, only a few younger, but a handful seemed about Saki’s age. From tall, regal women to short, stubby men, Kana’s little army was quite diverse.

“Kana?” Saki asked at one point. “What exactly do we do around here?”

Kana smiled, taking a bite of turkey. “Well, we mostly train or harness our powers, but sometimes partake in games and events.”

“Yes,” Isabel, one of the little girls, agreed. “We had a soccer tournament just last month!”

Saki was confused by how much the witches enjoyed it here, because Kana hadn’t been exactly the warmest person towards the Meister. Maybe they’d forgotten, or worse, maybe Kana had made them forget.

The thought made Saki’s skin crawl, for she feared the possibility of Kana erasing her memory as well. Who knew, maybe she’d wake up tomorrow and not remember Mifune--let alone herself. The very idea shook her to the core, and she shivered. Kana noticed this, and Saki rubbed her arms to cover it up. “Sorry, just cold.”

“Oh, I'm sorry, dear,” Kana barked an order for the fire to be stoked, and the woman pointed Saki in the direction of the den. “Please do go warm up. I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.”

“Of course, thank you.”

But even after sitting in front of the fire for hours, Saki had never felt colder.

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