3. A Real Family?

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Angela bounded up the steps of the DWMA, taking the enormous staircase by storm. She arrive at the front of the school in seconds, her arms thrown around Saki, and Mifune wondered if it would be possible to pull the pair apart again.

He watched from afar, careful to not set off the woman. Saki got easily rattled, and Mifune wasn’t in the mood to watch a fight--or participate in one. He still felt...empty after realizing that the supposed love of his life had gotten engaged after a few short years, and hadn’t even bothered to think of him in the process.

Nonetheless, he still loved her, and still loving her meant that he would do anything to make her happy. In this case, it meant making the other girl in his life happy, a service he was more than willing to provide.

“Mifune?” it was Angela. Saki had an arm around the witch, keeping her close, but a scowl on her face as she glared at Mifune.

“Yes?” the samurai asked.

“Will you… can…” she heaved a breath. “Will you give Saki a hug?”

“I don’t think--” Saki began, but Mifune silenced her.

“Why, Angie?”

“I just…” her lip started to quiver, and Mifune’s heart contracted painfully at the sight of how upset she’d become. “I want you to act, even for a single moment, like nothing’s changed. Like you still love each other.”

I still do, Mifune wished to say, but he instead nodded, holding his arms open wide. Saki sighed shakily, taking a hesitant step toward him. She eventually fell into him, almost willingly, and he locked his arms tightly around her. She seemed to have gotten shorter, or Mifune taller, because his chin now easily rested on her head.

Saki hiccuped softly, and Mifune felt one of Angela’s arms wrap around his leg. The girl sighed in content. “See?” she said. “Now we really are a family.”

If only it lasted more than a few moments.

Forgive and Forget? ~ A Soul Eater FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now