39. Old Memories Brought Back?

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“Let’s get this party started, shall we?”

With that, Kana lunged at Stein, who countered with a block from Spirit. Clangs of metal resounded from the walls as they fought, and Mifune stayed where he was, waiting to see if Naomi would make a move.

She would, of course, but at the moment she was using some of her magic to find his weak point. She sent a thread of gold to his head, and rummaged through memories for anything useful. She gasped inwardly upon seeing how many of them she was in--how many moments they had shared.

But that couldn’t be right.

She saw his smile as they walked along the beach, her small hand in his, and she watched as they both cooed over a small girl who looked eerily like her. A girl on a broom whizzed through the sky and Naomi watched in awe, sitting in Mifune’s lap on a picnic blanket. So many images flooded her brain, and she believed them all. Every picture she knew true, deep down. She knew that Mifune loved her.

But she didn’t even know him.

“Stop!” she shouted, falling to her knees. She clutched her head, and let out a scream. Why was everything so damn hard?

Mifune was kneeling beside her in moments, his hand on her shaking shoulder. She went frigid under his touch, but didn’t shy away. “I’m sorry,” Mifune whispered, his voice contracting with painful, raw emotion. “I’m sorry she did this to you.”

“I have to fight you,” she said. “No matter who you are or… I can’t defy Kana. There is no way around it. I’m sorry.”

With that, she stood and notched and arrow, aiming it straight at the samurai’s heart. Time stopped, only the pair staring dead-on at one another, their breaths baited. Whoops rang out behind them both as Stein shouted that he had defeated Kana--how Mifune didn’t care. Naomi gasped as all of her memories came pouring back, but her grip on the arrow slipped, plunging straight into Mifune’s chest.



I'm sorry.


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