13. Shenanigans in Paris?

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“I can’t believe you got us arrested!”

Mifune huffed, rubbing his neck. “How was I supposed to know that he was some high-up government official?”

“I can’t believe you,” Saki screeched. “We’re halfway across the world, with no bail money, and trapped in a cell full of only French-speaking people.”

“My French was a bit rusty, alright? I’m sorry.”



“Mifune, is everything alright? Do you have Scarlett yet?” Stein answered, his voice surprisingly clear on the other end of the old telephone.

“No and no. Stein, we’re in jail.”


“I accidentally insulted a man in French, and he turned out to be some ambassador of sorts.”

“I can’t believe you.”

“Can you just--help us?”

“Hold on, I’m buying a plane ticket now.”


“See you soon, samurai.”

“Bye, doctor.”


“This will be a great story to tell Angela,” Saki mused.

Mifune just stared at her from across the bed. It was a tiny one, and one they were forced to share. They weren’t in the mood for sleeping though, and their inmates didn’t seem to mind.

“‘What’d you guys do?’” Saki said, imitating Angela. “‘Oh, nothing dear,” her voice returned to normal. “‘We just got kicked out the first time we went to adopt Scarlett, then proceeded in getting arrested. Oh, and Stein had to fly in from Death City to bail us out. But overall, it was a great trip.’”

Mifune laughed. “We can also inform her that, sadly, there was no sight-seeing to be done.”

They managed to sleep later that night, crammed on opposite ends of the bed.

But Mifune was surprisingly comfortable.

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