Q&A session

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Hey everyone, this chapter is the Q&A session that I couldn't do for my first fan art book..😅 so I'll be answering questions from the readers which is so far two people..

Here are some questions from @Pikachu904726
Q: "What was your first book series you ever read?"

A:Hmm....well, the first book series I ever read was MisakaLovesYou's "Railgun Online" series.

Q: "Favorite kind of music?"

A: So far in my song list—it's mostly pop music so I guess that's my favorite kind of music, but I also like cover songs if I find any.

Q: "What do you do to pass the time?"

A: I pass the time by drawing/sketching while listening to YouTube music videos, but I also watch YouTube videos if I get an art block. Other times, I would lift weights or do some chores in the house.

Q: "Favorite color"

A: I have more than one favorite color and they are—black, red, and royal blue.

Q: "Final question, when will Mori-chan (Morikoto) get her own story! I really want to know!"

A: Oh boy.........I don't know because there are at least two reason why I don't know.
1) I need crucial informations from "A Certain Magical Fate" series, in order to make somewhat sense, regardless whether that Morikoto is or isn't canon to that series.
2) I'm never confident about my storytelling skills. Sure, I have some ideas for a story but the ability to tell the story—no way. Heck, even if you ask me to write couple of chapters about myself—it would be really bad....

And finally a question from a character of MisakaLovesYou is Pumkin. I did consider that her question was more like mocking about my approach to the readers.

Morikoto: "Yeah.. She was mocking you.."

😅 Well...a question is a question. And I must answer the question!!

Q: "Questions? Why ask questions when you can fight! Repeatedly!! Over and over!!!"

A: Why...Why asking questions...Well, I don't really know how to introduce myself calmly to other people, and also knowing how to maintain friendships. There are points of time where I feel like people don't like of who I am. So, allowing people to ask me questions would give me some ideas of how people view me—and after seeing them, I hope I can improve to become a better person and hopefully be able to have friends that I'm comfortable talking to.
And fighting doesn't always solve problems. There are problems that can be solved through understanding and reasoning without going violent.

And that's the end of this Q&A session. If you all like it, let me know if you want more these Q&A session. Anyway, hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now