Snowball fight

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Hello everyone, this drawing has me, 10, Morikoto, adult Mordred, Saber, and adult Mikoto into three teams in the snowball fight: me and 10, Morikoto and Mordred, and Saber and Mikoto.
All teams are placed with their own snow forts, each player of the team takes turns for making snowball ammunition while the other player throws the snowball to their opponent. It's a point-system game where you hit your opponent, you gained a point. And once the team gained all total points that was agreed by everyone, then the game is over.

I thought it would be funny that Saber was using a snowball machine gun in a snowball fight. 😅 But knowing her, she probably wants to fight fair.

Anyway, here it is. Follow the numbers to see them in order.

 Follow the numbers to see them in order

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Hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now