Blushing Saber Railgun; Dilemma

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Hello everyone, this chapter I have drawn Mordred carrying blushing Saber Railgun in "princess style" which it was influenced from "Railgun in Fairy Tail NXT Book 3", chapter called, "Blake". I'm so disappointed in myself that I only drew that based on that chapter, and to top it off—I reached a dilemma about drawing or even thinking about making Morikoto's story.

But first, showing the drawing that was influenced from the chapter. Here it is.

	Now I'm worried and scared about addressing the dilemma I was referring to from earlier

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Now I'm worried and scared about addressing the dilemma I was referring to from earlier...Because I don't know what will happen in ACMF series which may reflect from what's going on from RIFT NXT Book 3 currently. Since RIFT NXT takes place in time where RIFT Mikoto is older and Saber Railgun is 15 years-old—Saber Railgun not only jumped through an alternate dimension, but she also time-traveled(?). This lead my brain to a wall since I don't know how the timelines parallel with each other and arise another issue concerning about Morikoto.
Of course, I already knew that Morikoto will never EVER be canon to the ACMF series—I'm aware and acknowledge it. Yet, it did raise questions of how the "possible" descendant of Mordred and Mikoto would appear because if that descendant is going to be a homunculi/homunculus—that descendant won't be an Ordained.
From what I read and understand from the RIFT NXT series, Ordained child are first-born child of a part-mortal Numensapien. Ruby Rose is an example—of course there are counter-arguments that the definition of Ordained doesn't have to be the first-born child of a part-mortal Numensapien. An example of the counter-argument is with Artoria. Since I check the Wiki about Artoria recently—there was no statement that Artoria being a first-born child so I have to check on Morgan Le Fay—and the Wiki claimed that Morgan is the oldest daughter with both of them have the same father and mother. However, the chapter called "The Sword of Promised Victory" from RIFT NXT Book 2, Artoria stated that she was the daughter of Venvetta when Uther Pendragon approach her; therefore, the possibility that Morgan and Artoria are half sister that has the same father but different mothers. This parallels with Ruby Rose being an Ordianed with Summer Rose being the part-mortal Numensapien; Ruby Rose is the second child of Tai—which it is true—but it's also true that Ruby Rose is a first-born child of Summer Rose. Also considering that MisakaLovesYou is making the characters accurate, it plays out in her favor where she can write Summer Rose being a part-mortal Numensapien with Ruby Rose as an Ordained child and still can be a second child of Tai.
With the given examples and hopefully reasonable explanations about an Ordained child must be the first-born child of part-mortal Numensapien, the way how I created Morikoto to be a descendant of Mordred and Mikoto—she cannot be an Ordained because she was "created"—not "born" from Mikoto since Mikoto is a reincarnated Numensapien. And if making a homunculi/homunculus is close to making a clone, then Morikoto is more likely to be another a part-mortal Numensapien instead of being a Ordained.
Of course, I could be completely wrong with all of this. Like EVERYTHING I said here—they could be wrong, I have no issue that I will be corrected about this, but I felt like I should say something about it because it's been eating my mind for months now...

Anyway, since this may be the last time that I'll mentioned about Morikoto and her possible story. I drew angry Morikoto holding heavily injured Hikari/10 in "princess-style" while Morikoto is slowly transforming into her Avenger Class form or her Alter Class form.

 I drew angry Morikoto holding heavily injured Hikari/10 in "princess-style" while Morikoto is slowly transforming into her Avenger Class form or her Alter Class form

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Hopefully all of you like it, and I apologizes for addressing the dilemma I'm facing with...I was so unsure of how to deal with it....once again I apologize for all of this, hopefully all of you like the drawings I made in this chapter.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now