Accessory swap

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Hello everyone, this chapter has Mikoto and Mordred swapping their "signature" accessory like Mikoto's silver hairpin/ flower hairpin and Mordred's necklace. There was a small idea that Mordred gave Mikoto her necklace before Mordred and Artoria went to alternate dimension, but since Mordred's and Artoria's appearance in RIFT NXT—I kinda throw that idea out...😅 Even including the idea the reason why Mordred would give her necklace to Mikoto before she and Artoria went to the RIFT universe.
Also small note, I drew them in their potential clothing design again....😅

Anyway, here it is.

I had Mordred being embarrassed about wearing Mikoto's hairpin to not only give myself a chance to practice facial expression—but imaging that Mordred being embarrassed from Mikoto's actions is funny to me

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I had Mordred being embarrassed about wearing Mikoto's hairpin to not only give myself a chance to practice facial expression—but imaging that Mordred being embarrassed from Mikoto's actions is funny to me.😆

Anyway, hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now