Little Cub (Mikoto, Saber, and Mordred; comic)

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Hello everyone, this chapter was inspired by Charlie Co on YouTube with a video title, "Pumpkin." The video is a Kingdom Hearts animatic—personally I referred it as a storyboard but meh.
The video has Sora and Kairi talking about giving nicknames to each other till Goofy tells Kairi that Sora always wanted to be called "Pumpkin" by her, Sora gets flustered and rejected it which Kairi giggled to his reaction, and finally Kairi address Sora as "Pumpkin" that got Sora love-struck then got embarrassed.

Sorry for that "spoiler" of the video, I thought I should explain it first before I explain what the comic is about.

The comic took place where Mikoto, Mordred, and Saber are hanging out together. Mikoto asked Saber, who was holding a crepe, for permission to give her a nickname which Saber was alright with it, then Mordred told Saber that Mikoto thought of being called "little cub" by her—referring back how Saber likes lions and how Saber is like a mother to Mikoto—Mikoto bluntly denied it and Saber thought it was a little silly but she accept it and said it. Mikoto was too embarrassed to accept or denied Saber's offer of her crepe.

Anyway here it is.

Anyway here it is

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I'm sorry if all of you can't read my handwriting! 😣

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I'm sorry if all of you can't read my handwriting! 😣

Anyway, hopefully you all like the comic and also check out to Charlie Co's YouTube channel if you like to see more Kingdom Hearts animatic! 😃

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now