New Medium (Art Term)

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Hello everyone, for this chapter I wanted to try painting Mikoto and Mordred with acrylic paints.
I was using blue colors for Mikoto and green colors for Mordred. I almost thought of an joke after finishing the painting, but...I felt like the joke was bad—Twilight Prankster would do the Detective Pikachu's face meme, maybe..? 😅

Here it is.

Just realizing after posting this, the darker blue color doesn't stand out as much from the black

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Just realizing after posting this, the darker blue color doesn't stand out as much from the black...That's something I'll kept in mind. 😅

Anyway, hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now