Shy Shielder Railgun

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Hello everyone, this isn't really creative drawing—but it's just chibi-like Shielder Railgun hiding behind chibi-like Mordred.

I thought about a small story behind it when Mordred and Mikoto went to the RIFT universe and Mikoto was training under Erza's guidance because of her magic and combat skills. Erza advised Mikoto to gain confidence while Mikoto is in her Shielder form, though Mikoto tried to make excuses for not staying in her Shielder form except during training—Erza threaten Mordred to use a Command Seal to do it....Mordred hated herself after that.....

And my drawing is the aftermath of that. Here it is.

Sorry for the lack of creativity, I'm starting to have headaches—possibly from lack of sleep, and

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Sorry for the lack of creativity, I'm starting to have headaches—possibly from lack of sleep, and...I got myself caught up with the idea of Morikoto possessing Imagine Breaker even though it's probably not possible for her or Mordred to wield it. What's worst I thought about Mordred and Morikoto possess Imagine Breaker as their Foreign Class form, and both of them have stages in their Foreign Class...

Anyway, sorry for babbling on—hopefully all of you like it.

Mordred Pendragon (Fate series) x Mikoto Misaka Fan Art, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now