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hello, readers!

whether you're old or new here, you need to read through this. so bear with me.

as you can see by the title, i am rewriting Luella as of this moment. (are we surprised? you shouldn't be if you know me.) and let's be honest. this book needs a bit of cleaning up and revamping. it's been years since i've revised the last draft of this book and my perspective and writing has changed considerably.

so. here are some stuff you will probably be asking about:

1. what is happening to the first draft?
i was originally going to delete it and start over, but i cherish the comments like crazy (thank you for those btw, you're all v lovely) and so i will not be deleting this draft, instead i will be creating a whole new book for the rewritten version. (so yes, you can still read this one if you'd like.)

2. is it still going to have Harry in it?
sadly no. the rewritten version of the story will be categorized as New/Young Adult, still figuring it out. but i did grow out of the fan-fiction genre, which is pretty sad, but i'm also excited for a new journey. please look forward to it.

3. what about the characters?
no changes whatsoever. except for Harry's name. which, if you're reading this solely because it's a fan fiction, then fear not! because it will literally affect nothing about the male love interest. he will still be all curly brown locks and dazzling green eyes and ocean-deep dimples.

4. how much is changing?
not much. in fact, it's basically all the same. i will only be adding material that is essential to the plot and altering some things around that i think will make the story make a lot more sense when you're reading it, that will amplify the reading experience. also, i will be cutting off unnecessary scenes and extra chapters that was mostly used as fillers or were written sporadically. this will definitely clean up the story and make you focus more on the real shenanigans going on.

5. what if i already read the ff version?
you do not really have to reread the whole thing. you could do that if you want a better experience, and it will help when moving on to the sequel because it explains a lot. but i wouldn't say it's necessary to reread the first book in any version because there's no major changes, just additions that will - later on in the sequel - be explained altogether anyway. and if there's anything confusing when reading the sequel that perhaps needs a bit of clarification, i will be sure to do that. and i'd be grateful if any of you let me know if you catch something!

6. are you rewriting the sequel, too?
there's no serious 'rewriting' to do on Faith since there weren't that many chapters written in the first place, so i think once the rewriting process of Luella is done, i will have my thoughts put together and my plot solidified. all i will have to do is briefly edit Faith before I start updating regularly again!

7. is it better to read the rewritten version?
yes. the rewritten is all about less plot holes and a more consistent writing format. it's just a better experience journey to unfolding the plot twist. which really doesn't completely unfold until book two (or three?) of this story.

8. when will the rewritten version be ready?
i will be uploading chapters as soon as i can. and that's not very far away. i will be updating this text when i start publishing chapters, but if i don't, you can follow me to get notified. x

aaand that's it! if you have any other questions, please don't be hesitant to reach out. comment down below or message me, i'll be sure to reply asap.

thank you for being patient with me, as always. love you. stay hydrated.

- ness .x

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