Meet the Cast of Tomodachi Life Villains

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This idea is for the cast of Tomodachi Life villains to just express why did they became villains of a pretty peaceful game, or why did they go from innocent people to insane villains who wouldn't have stopped until they had made their revenge plans come true.

So, let's get started with this!

Now, let the questions to our invited villains begin!

1. Why did you decide to become Villains of this peaceful land?

Víctor: Well, I became like this since I was the Darker Lord of Miitopia, but it was just a test. Most of the time I have been a pretty friendly guy, until the day that my rivalry with Ike started. Since the Chapter 10, 1st book incident happened, I was resented, and I swore to make him pay for everything he did to me that day!

Lilly: It all started in Kirby Planet Robobot, because I'm the Star Dream Soul OS humanized version made by NightSilverChelly, and let's just say that my days in this island had been different from my days of trying to erase humanity. Anyways, I think the only time I was a pretty insane lady was in the "Lilly's Downfall to Madness" story, because I tried to burn alive a goddess because of what she said to me.

Shadow Stephanie: Oh boy, time to relive my story. I was basically a character made by a random idea of turning everyone into shadow versions of themselves. But, they all were forgotten, let's just leave them there. I was the Dark Lord of Miitopia, and I loved to steal everyone's faces just to see them in despair. But, I didn't know I was being possessed by the Dark Curse, and I got exorcised by my own father...

Víctor: And sometime later, she would take her madness out on Nikki Bella...

Shadow Stephanie: Yeah, I kind of have a rivalry with Nikki Bella on WWE 2k18.

Drawcia: I just wanted a world with my own colors and imagination, I didn't know my imagination was just like my world; distorted and creepy...

Hyness: The ancients banished me, Francisca, Flamberge and Zan Partizanne to the edge of the galaxy, and they tried to erase our existence! How do they dare to do that?! And obviously, I couldn't allow that, so I bowed my days to revive Void Termina and show them what I think of them! And one last thing, I'll erase you from existence, Magolor!

Zan Partizanne: Sorry for this...

(Hyness starts making rapid movements and looks like he has a seizure...)

Víctor: Here we go again.

Princess Veronica: I always envied the Kingdom of Askr, because they had everything I didn't! They had all I ever wanted! And I tried to take it away from them by enslaving heroes, so I could have an army. Sadly, all went to the ruin when the army of the Order of Heroes took everything away from me.

Víctor: I know that we're supposed to be enemies, but, we're now allies.

Princess Veronica: Yep. In these stories, I became his ally before the Choose Your Legends event came to the game. And, I think we're both double-faced crossers, because we sometimes battle for good, and other times it's just to make troubles for Ike and everyone who supports him.

2. How much did you hate your rivals to become what you are today?

Víctor: I hated Ike with all my soul! I wasn't ever defeated in the First Book, and he took everything away from me! And as the resented boy that I am, I couldn't let this pass without taking matters into my hands. But, when he arrived at my island, things took a turn to revenge and madness...

Lilly: I take things too seriously, so, when she said that I was a bad mother, I became depressed, and that depression brought to life one person who was responsible of my madness; Mirror Lilly. Thanks to my mirror version, I became so insane that I only wanted to throw Palutena into a fiery pit. And I could have done it if it wasn't for my daughters helping her!

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