The Downfall of the Stubborn Queen

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The Bad Girls had been challenged by a new team called the Mean Street Girls, and it was for a Table Tag battle. Lilly thought that she could give them a lesson about monarchy, but, when the other team eliminated Becky Lynch and Asuka, Lilly decided to surrender.

The other team was made by Momo, Caulifla, Black Rock Shooter and Alexa Bliss. And since they defeated the Bad Girls, Lilly has been grumpy, and she doesn't have a good temperament since then, so it's kind of hard to talk with her about that without having a death warning from her...

{Location; Wrestling Arena, Cafeteria...}

Lilly: Because of focusing on attacking the second teammate, I left you alone, and because of that you got eliminated. What kind of leader am I?!

Becky Lynch: Things like this happen every day...

Asuka: Yeah. Besides, we didn't lose anything important.

Lilly: Nothing important?! I lost my pride against a team of stupid anime girls! You call that nothing important?!

Paige: Calm down before you do anything you might regret.

Lilly: Fine...

Yuri Kobayashi: Hi!

Earth-Chan: Is she still resented about that incident?

Asuka: She refuses to forget that her pride was broken.

Lilly: Just leave me alone...

Earth-Chan: Not always you will win. Nothing in life is always secured.

Lilly: I know that!

Yuri Kobayashi: Maybe you can ask them for advice...

Lilly: Say anything about them one more time, and you will be hanging from Anahuac 11!

Drawcia: Let's just leave quietly...

Brie Bella: I agree with her...

(Everyone stays away from Lilly's table...)

Black Rock Shooter: Hello.

Alexa Bliss: Would you look at this? The coward queen who didn't fight for her team is here?

(Lilly's blood is boiling right now, and she's dreaming about breaking her neck)

Shadow Stephanie: She's asking for her own death... Not that I worry much about it...

Billie Kay: Yeah, she's just a joke.

Lilly: {If I had claws in my hands, I would give them nasty stitches...}

Alexa Bliss: How about you give that crown to someone who deserves it?

(When she tries to grab her crown, Lilly launches herself with all her wrath, like a wild animal)

("Blooper's Mad") [Mario Party 9]

Lilly: If you want that, you'll have to pass over my dead body!

Asuka: Lilly! Get off her!

Drawcia: I think Lilly has other plans...

Lilly: (Showing sharp teeth) You angered the queen, now you shall pay with your cold blood!

Earth-Chan: Grab her!

Black Rock Shooter: Don't worry, I have something to help. (She takes out a gun)

Becky Lynch: We want to avoid a catastrophe, not to kill her!

Alexa Bliss: Get her off me!

Lilly: You and all your team are no match for me! (She tries to bite her neck)

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