The Flashbacks of the Family

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This story will explain what happened in the waiting time between Lilly's insanity and Arkki's recovery. Because the story can't end like that without having flashbacks, and because Arkki was curious about what happened when she was knocked out.

{Date: October 30th, 2018...} ("7 AM") [Animal Crossing New Leaf]

Arkki: Hey, I have a question.

Arkki Soul OS: Which is your question, sister?

Arkki: What happened when I was knocked out?

Nicole: It was a long story, we will try to explain with the details of those events...

{Flashback to October 23rd, 2018...} ("Light and Darkness") [The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]

Lilly: How is this possible?! What kind of laws do they have at that school?!

Arkki Soul OS: I understand about your preoccupation, Mother, but, we should take my sister into a hospital.

Nicole: Our teacher said that they called an ambulance. We will go over there, do you wish to come with us, Mother?

Lilly: I will stay here for a while... I must do something before I go there.

(The daughters leave, and Azura comes to visit Lilly)

Azura: I heard what happened. I can't believe that something like that happened...

Lilly: I know... But, it happened without any way to avoid it...

Azura: So, what do you plan to do?

Lilly: I will try to take matters into my own hands. But first, we should really visit Arkki...

Azura: Ok, let's go!

{Time skip to the hospital...}

Arkki Soul OS: You will have your case solved, sister.

Nicole: I know you can't hear us, but, she is right.

Lilly: My beloved daughter, ruined because of a stupid popular bully... People like her should be burning in hell.

Azura: Calm down, Lilly, now's not the place to think like this.

Yuri Youngblood: I agree with her.

Mida Rana: Come on, Miss Yuri, that kind of ideas are out of place...

Lilly: I need a moment alone with my daughter, can you please leave?

(They leave the room...)

Lilly: I promise that I will make everything in my hands to make justice to this incident...

(She wishes to see her ideas come true...)

Lilly: I will love when that day comes true. Maybe, I can be planning what to do to get my hands on her.

{Date: October 24th, 2018...} ("Prince of Darkness") [Fire Emblem Echoes]

Lilly: I need your help, Youngblood... How can I decide to plunge a schoolgirl into a fiery pit?

Yuri Youngblood: Well, I know that you can make a good job based on your insanity.

Lilly: But, I need advice from you.

Yuri Youngblood: Well, you could try to use the same idea that Víctor had when he made his problems at school. Just attack like crazy and threaten anyone who stands in your way.

Lilly: Good idea. Thanks for the support, Yuri.

Yuri Youngblood: You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an issue to solve with Lizzy Rodríguez.

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