The Revenge and Evilness from Demonic Lilly

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After Lilly, Natsuki and Yuri got out from their recovery time in the hospital, Natsuki and Yuri decided to take a break from this whole issue. But the Demonic Lilly was dying to take her anger out on Asuka and Paige by using the short temper of Lilly, which was her key to make them suffer. She's going to show those two how mean she can be...

{Location: The Bad Girls' Locker Room...} ("N's Room") [Pokémon Black and White]

Lilly: What do you want from me?!

Demonic Lilly: I told you already, I want to use you for making everyone suffer. If you want to make a comparison between me and Grima, it's ok. After all, it's the same concept with us.

Lilly: I won't attack Asuka and Paige! They are the most loyal friends that I have! Also, I'm sure that her friends would come and break my bones again...

Demonic Lilly: Who cares for that little detail? You didn't care for little details when you tried to murder Palutena or Musume Ronshaku, why care for them now?

Lilly: Just leave me alone! I don't want to hurt another innocent person again!

Demonic Lilly: You're going to resist, eh? Well, if you keep resisting me, I can't guarantee that Azura will be safe from my rampage.

Lilly: Nooooo! Please, leave her out of this! I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt her in any way! She's the most important girl that has arrived at my romantic life!

Demonic Lilly: How cute is seeing you worrying about your little girlfriend~. Now, all you have to do is simple... Stop Resisting Me!

Lilly: Just stay away from her!

Demonic Lilly: Looks like you wanted to do this the hard way, I don't mind that. (She launches herself towards Lilly to possesses her)

Lilly: AAAAAAHHHH! (She is knocked backward)

Paige: Hey, are you ok? We heard your screams from the hall...

Asuka: Why are you like that?

Lilly: Go away... Run while you still can...

Paige: Why?

(Lilly's appearance changes to her demonic version, and she shows a macabre smile)

("Ghetsis Battle!") [Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon]

Demonic Lilly: Too late for doing that! (She locks the door with magic) Now, you two got a one-way ticket to pain!

Asuka: What the hell happened to you, Lilly?!

Demonic Lilly: Lilly's not here anymore, Asuka. I'm the one in charge, I'm her dark side. And I have issues against you two.

Paige: Give back our friend!

Demonic Lilly: You wish to see her again? I will give you a knuckle sandwich coming from her!

Asuka: We will still battle!

Demonic Lilly: I hope that your pretty faces don't get ruined when I smash this metallic chair on them!

Paige: Has anyone told you that you're having the same thinking attitude as a sadist?

Demonic Lilly: I like to consider myself as one~. Anyways, the show has begun!

{A wild and savage beating later...}

Asuka: Paige?! Can you hear me?!

Paige: I can't even move my legs, that maniac destroyed all of our bones!

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