The Bullied, The Technologic Girl and the Popular Bully

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After all the incident caused for Kokona Haruka's debt, she felt horrible for what happened to Musume Ronshaku, and she doesn't feel so well with the guilt eating her soul and mind. Meanwhile, Saki Miyu is trying to cheer her up, which fails miserably.

Kokona Haruka is living a depressive day, the guilt is driving her insane, and she may not tolerate this anymore...But, there's always a light on the end of the darkness.

{Location: School's Rooftop...} ("Tabu") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Kokona Haruka: Why did I do to deserve this? I wanted to be free out of my debt, I didn't want to ruin another person's life! I should have done something the day that Ayano did this...

???: Are you still grieving over your misery?

Kokona Haruka: Yes, Miyu. I'm worse than ever, because of what happened with Musume Ronshaku...

Saki Miyu: Don't worry, this will go for the best.

Kokona Haruka: Yeah, right... I don't think I can live like this anymore...

Saki Miyu: If you need someone to rely on, you have me. After all, we're friends.

Kokona Haruka: Ok... Just leave me alone for today...

Saki Miyu: Ok. I'll see you in class.

Kokona Haruka: Yeah, see you there.

(Saki leaves the rooftop)

Kokona Haruka: I won't go to class like this... (She stands close to the railing) Farewell, cruel world! (She jumps to the courtyard's plaza)

{Meanwhile, on the lower floor...} ("Comic Walk") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Arkki: I wish that Kokona would at least give me the chance to help her with her depression...

(She looks up to the sky)

Arkki: That's weird, it looks like something that looks like Kokona is going to crash against me... Wait a minute, what the heck?! (Kokona falls over her, and they are both knocked out)

Shadow Stephanie: Where are you, Arkki?!

Hanako Yamada: Wait, look over there.

Shadow Stephanie: Isn't that Kokona? What is she planning now?

Midori Gurin: Kokona, wake up, you're crushing Arkki's back...

Oka Ruto: I think they're knocked out...

Shadow Stephanie: Do you think that this has to do with Kokona's depression?

Hanako Yamada: Maybe.

Midori Gurin: Let's take them to the Infirmary right now.

{Time skip to the Infirmary...} ("Wooden Bear") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Muja Kina: What seems to be the problem with these two?

Shadow Stephanie: We don't know, we found them unconscious in the courtyard...

Muja Kina: Oh, ok.

Hanako Yamada: We must retire, we will come back later...

{10 minutes later...}

Arkki: My head hurts... What happened? (She remembers everything) Oh, that's what happened.

Lilly: Are you ok?!

Arkki: Yes, just a little dizzy.

Lilly: Why you were unconscious on the courtyard with Kokona over you?

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