Kitsune Girls, Gypsies, and Witches

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Another simple day for D-Generation X, since they haven't had any fights, they have been doing normal things like going out on a stroll or take a shopping day. Also, today is the day in which Luna's sister comes to visit, much to her dismay.

In these moments, they are watching "The Incredibles II", and discussing what parts are better from both movies, and debating on who is a better villain between Syndrome and the Screenslaver.

{Location: D-Generation X's Locker Room...} ("Tomfoolery") [SpongeBob SquarePants]

Luna: I say that Syndrome is better than Screenslaver.

Lilly: Why?

Luna: Screenslaver's motives are just weak. I admit it was a fresh concept to have someone with hypnotic powers as a powerful villain. It's just that, the real identity of the villain was just a joke.

Crystal Stromblood: What?!

Luna: The villain's motives were weak.

Crystal Stromblood: How were they weak? Evelyn Deavor had a motive to be angry at superheroes.

Luna: I know that, but...

Lily the Mechanic: So, you're saying that Evelyn's tragedy is not a valid motive?

Luna: I'm not saying that her backstory is weak. I'm saying that, compared to the first movie, Syndrome was pure evil.

Madison Manhattan: Isn't he a selfish guy?

Crystal Stromblood: Without all his gadgets, he doesn't know how to make a fair fight. Evelyn was brilliant to make people fall under her will.

Luna: Evelyn Deavor was just a resented lady who couldn't surpass her tragic life!

Lilly: Calm down, Luna.

Crystal Stromblood: You take that back!

Lily the Mechanic: At least she knows how to put a decent fight.

Zero-Two: Why did we even agree to watch this movie?

Madison Manhattan: Why does this discussion resembles discussions in which people compare Ghetsis and Cyrus?

Lilly: I think that the correct comparison is Ghetsis and N against Cyrus and Cynthia.

Luna: If we're going to relate this to the Pokémon games, I would like to say I support the Platinum and Pearl edition.

Crystal Stromblood: Black and White are better!

Angela: Thanks for supporting my side, Crystal.

Zero-Two: Will you stop fighting about who is better?!

Lily the Mechanic: Who do you choose?

Zero-Two: I don't choose anyone! If it were for tragic backstories, I would choose Evelyn.

Luna: If all of you really like her that much, why don't all of you marry her?!

Crystal Stromblood: Why don't you marry your villain? Oh wait, he died!

Lilly: Silence, both of you!

Angela: Someone's at the door.

???: So, this is how you treat your team, sister?

Luna: Not you! Anyone but you!

Crystal Stromblood: I didn't know you had a sister.

???: Aren't you going to introduce me to them?

Luna: Girls, meet my sister, her name is Celestia.

Angela: Hello!

Celestia: Hello, everyone. So, why were all of you arguing all of a sudden?

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