Illusions from the Otherworld

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Our story starts at the Forest of the Plate, in the Heroic Castle, in the early morning. More specifically, the story starts at 6:00 am when everyone is sleeping, except for Felicia, Flora, and Lyn. (They are very early people, which is a contrast to everyone who wants to sleep until they feel like they have had enough.)

Also, this story will start in the dreams of Princess Veronica. Why should the story start with her dreams? Well, because those dreams will kind of be like a vision of what's going to happen today.

Anyways, let's go straight to the dream world!

{Location: A darkened room...} ("The Dark Realm") [Super Smash Bros Ultimate]

Veronica: Huh...? Where am I? I was recently dreaming about my homeland, and now I'm in this dark space...

???: I brought you here, little child.

Veronica: Who said that?!

???: I did. (A green light comes from the other side)

Veronica: I really need answers. (She follows the light)

???: Yes, come here.

Veronica: How do I know you won't do anything bad to me?

???: Why should I do that? Unless you have betrayed Embla by joining Askr, that is.

Veronica: How do you know about Embla? You're not planning on doing anything to my kingdom, are you?!

???: (Chuckling) Don't worry, Embla will be safe. After all, that used to be my kingdom...

Veronica: You're also from there? I never thought I would see someone else from there coming here.

???: I believe it's time for you to see me. (The mysterious voice reveals its owner)

Veronica: I have a question. Why is your suit revealing your skeleton?!

???: I have fallen in the Realm of the Dead. I used to be the queen/princess of Embla until I lost a war against Askr...

Veronica: Oh...

???: I hated them as much as you do, Veronica. And I believe we can finally show Askr the real power of Embla.

Veronica: How are we going to do that?

???: I need that you make a reviving ceremony to bring me back to life.

Veronica: I don't even know anything about revival ceremonies!

???: I'm sure you will find a way to bring me back to life. Until we meet again.

Veronica: Wait. Before you go, can you please tell me who are you?

???: As I told you, I was one of the princesses/queens of Embla.

Veronica: How do you even know my name?

???: Simple. I am your mother! (The dark room disappears, and the bedroom comes back)

{Back in the real world...} ("Let's Meet in the Mysterious Forest") [Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]

Veronica: AAAAAAAHHHHHH! (She wakes up screaming and shocked)

Flora: (Rushing to the room) Are you ok?!

Veronica: Um... Yes, I'm fine...

Flora: Are you sure? I don't think that scream sounded like you were normal.

Veronica: I just had a weird dream...

Flora: Do you need a glass of water?

Veronica: I can get it myself, thank you.

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