The Mad Queen Against the Popular Bully

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It looks like the islanders have to have a dark side of them, a side which has been feeding on negative emotions. A side which will be exposed one day, a day in which anyone can become so insane to try and murder people because of bad experiences with them. This kind of side seems to be found easily on people who have the lowest amount of tolerance in their lives, and that they can get easily annoyed and furious...

It already happened with Víctor in these last days, in stories and real life, and now, remembering what happened in the last story, it was time for a particular lady to go insane in a quest for justice, for her own daughter. The quest of smiting the wicked aggressor and plunging her into a fiery pit! Yes, it's time for Lilly's second downfall to insanity.

{Location: Lilly's apartment, Living Room...} ("Light and Darkness") [The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]

Lilly: I won't let this pass, I won't allow that my family gets abused like this, and without any punishment. I don't care if Víctor already made a mess in his school, I'll make it worse than him!

Azura: Lilly, please stop thinking like this.

Lilly: You don't understand, do you? I won't allow that someone like Musume Ronshaku continues to push my daughters off the school's rooftop! That girl is worse than Yandere-Chan!

Azura: I think you're exaggerating, Lilly...

Lilly: You're only saying that because it wasn't Shigure, right?!

Azura: Of course not! I just want to avoid that you end up locked up in jail for murder!

Lilly: Whatever you say, Azura. But, as my stubbornness dictates, I won't change my opinion for anything you say. I will do whatever it takes to murder her, even if it means eliminating anyone in my way.

Azura: What?!

Lilly: You heard me. No one will stand between me and her death! (She laughs maniacally)

{Time skip to school hours...} ("Chaos (Ablaze)") [Fire Emblem Awakening]

Lilly: I have you on my sights, Musume... You won't live to tell this tale...

Oka Ruto: What are you doing here, Lilly?

Lilly: Shush! Stay quiet, Oka. I'm here on a very important duty for me.

Oka Ruto: Which kind of work do you have here?

Lilly: Well, if you really wish to know, I'm here to murder Musume Ronshaku.

Oka Ruto: Why?!

Lilly: Because I'll bring her bloody corpse to my dear daughter. She may get traumatized, but, it will be to show her that there was justice on her incident!

Oka Ruto: Ok. I have to go, see you later...

Lilly: You'll pay for this, Ronshaku. Oh yeah, you will pay for this. (She grins evilly)

{Several failed attempts later...}

Lilly: I guess I'll have to use the violence for taking all of this into consideration.

(She takes out the Urör Axe)

Lilly: Now, you shall pay just like the rest!

{Time skip to the maniacal chase...} ("The Wayne Tower Showdown") [Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes]

Musume Ronshaku: Help! There's a psychotic red-headed lady after me!

Lilly: Take your responsibilities like a grownup! (She chases after her with an insane glee on her eyes)

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