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Two weeks. 

Two long weeks. 

It's been two fucking weeks since I was able to hold her in my arms, kiss her lips, even look upon her beautiful face. She hasn't come by. I haven't been able to go to her. I've barely even spoken to her on the phone. I miss her and I've been miserable without her around. 

It's also been two weeks since we attacked the Red Devils. We anticipated them attacking again, but it's been quiet. 

Too quiet. 

Axel thinks that we have scared them off, but I know better. I know that Will wouldn't just give up like that. He's not one to lose. I suspect he is planning something and I bet it's big. 

I've upped the men's training schedules. I've upgraded our armoury. I am ready for them when they do attack. 

We are ready for them. 

"I can't believe you agreed to this," Slade says, interrupting my thoughts. He has a scowl on his face and I am sure mine mirrors his. 

"Axel says it's a good idea," I say, rolling my eyes. "I probably shouldn't have listened to him."

"Well it did bring in a new group of girls to swoon over him," Ryder said, sliding me a beer. He nods towards his cousin. "I don't understand what women see in him. He's ridiculous."

I look over to my best friend and laugh. He has several girls hanging off of him, all pining for his attention. I swear I just saw one swoon.

"I don't think he would have it any other way, Ry."

"This music is awful! Make it stop!" Slade whines, covering his ears. 

"Relax, it's one night," I say, patting him on the shoulder. 

"Hey, boss?" 


Ryder nods towards the door and my eyes follow the motion in time to see that who I miss the most. 

"Roxanne," I say. 

"You are fucking whipped man." 

I push Slade off of the bar stool, but my eyes never leave Roxanne. I watch her as she looks around the bar, shaking her head with a small smile when her eyes land on Axel. Her brows are furrowed as she searches each face until her beautiful grey eyes find mine. 

She bites her lip and winks, then she walks to the middle of the dance floor. My eyes never leave her as she begins to move. She's wearing a tight, black, leather dress and heels - something I never thought I would see her in, but she looks amazing. Her hips sway to the God-awful music and my eyes snap down to her legs as her dress hitches up a little. 

With a growl, I push myself off of my stool and walk towards her. The sea of people part to allow me to my girl and once I reach her, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me. 

"What's a beautiful little thing like you doing alone in a place like this?" I growl into her ear before placing a kiss just behind it. 

I feel her shiver and smirk when she replies, "Who says I'm alone?"

Turning in my arm, she looks up at me with an intensity that probably matches my own. I lean in, my lips a breath away and tell her "I missed you" before closing the distance and kissing her with everything I have - leaving no emotions behind. 

Her hands work their way up my chest until they find their way into my hair, while my hands find their way down to her ass.  

"Where have you been?" I say before kissing her again. 

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