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#1. "Why do you hate me?"

#2. "Can we just start over."

#3. "Why are you laughing, I'm serious?"

#4. "We really need to work on boundaries."

#5. "Ok I admit, I'm a little tipsy."

#6. "You're so hot."

#7. "I have a surprise for you."

#8. "If you still love me, kiss me."

#9. "I love you."

#10. "Shut up and kiss me."

#11. "you're going to be a father."

#12. "We're just friends."

#13. "Lets just keep this between us."

#14. "I'm not ready to tell anyone."

#15. "Did we sleep together?"

#16. "I will slap you."

#17. "I may be short but I pack a good punch."

#18. "I'm fine. Actually no I'm not fine."

#19. "Don't touch me, I mean it."

#20. "Always."

#21. "You wont be alone, I'll be there."

#22. "I assure you, we can afford it."

#23. "Promise me I'll still see you."

#24. "I wasn't looking, everyone knows I'm an ass man."

#25. "I trusted you!"

#26. "Your the best thing that's ever happened to me, I would never leave you."

#27. "What are you waiting for?"

#28. "This was a mistake, we were a mistake."

#29. "Don't walk away from me."

#30. "Just watch me."

#31. "Do you mind."

#32. "Can we just go back to sleep?"

#33. "What do you mean you still love me."

#34. "You can't go out looking like that."

#35. "Lets go out, get drunk and just forget all about it."

#36. "Is it getting hot in here?"

#37.  "I thought you were gay."

#38. "Do they know about us?"

#39. "I just need a break, from us."

#40. "Lets just call it even."

#41. "I'm done, with your serial cheating, fake apologies. We're over."

#42. "Can we just stay here and cuddle?"

#43. "I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

#44. "You're a shit driver, let me do the driving from now on."

#45. "Did I fuck it up again?"

#46. "All I wanted was for you to tell me the truth."

#47. "I'm never listening to your advice ever again."

#48. "Do you maybe want to go out on a date?"

#49. "That was a dick move."

#50. "I can forgive, just not forget. That's why we cant be together."

#51. "Oh come on, I just cleaned that up."

#52. "I'm not drunk, I swear."

#53. "Are you as loud in bed as you are everywhere else?"

#54. "You're hogging the blankets?"

#55. "I'm way to smart for you."

#56. "It's pitch black in here and I can still see you're blushing."

#57. "It's midnight, we're not getting donuts."

#58. "For the last time, I need 5 hours to prepare for a date

#59. "I don't like you, get out of my fort."

#60. "Can you just give me a hug? Just once?"

#61. "I think it's broken."

#62. "If you stepped foot in that building you'd go up in flames."

#63. "If I have clothes on, it's technically not sleeping with each other."

#64. "It tastes like a shoe."

#65. "I'll tell your mam on you."

#66. "Wait, you can't tie your shoes."

#67. "Stop looking at me like that."

#68. "Get that sexy ass over here."

#69. "Nice lingerie."

#70. "You look very sexy in that dress."

Thanks racingfan324134 for the help with the dialogue. Check out her books and One Shots

I came up with these myself so if they're shit I apologise. Just say what number and what driver, I will do smut if your request but not that many because you know I'm not that great at writing it.

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