Daniel Ricciardo- After Party

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6- requested by Sof_f1

Also it's set in 2017.

Sometimes the after race parties tired me out. Especially when my boyfriend won a race and that either left me alone the whole night or it meant I was passed out until two days later.

Tonight, I was alone. 

"Hey Y/N, you look lovely tonight," the familiar voice of Dans teammate Max Verstappen commented.

"Why thank you Max, as I've mentioned before you really pull off those denim shirts," I smiled, tugging at his shirt to straighten it.

Looking up to see Max gazing at me, his blue eyes almost piercing. I smiled up at him, inviting him to sit beside me.

"You seen Daniel?" I asked him.

"Yeah, in the middle of the dance floor somewhere," Max lounged.

"The usual then," I commented, to nobody in particular.

I turned to Max, my usual companion when I spent nights at the club alone. 

"So why aren't you out there, courting the usual women," I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"More interesting women sitting down here," Max commented.

I pointed to a woman sitting not far from us. "Her?"

"No, you." Max said seriously, turning to look me straight in the eyes once again.

I nudged him playfully in the shoulder. Looking down to avoid his gaze, not wanting to offend him.

I tucked a strand of my straightened hair behind my ear.

"Seriously though Max. You don't have to sit here and talk to me, you can have fun. Celebrate a good result," I smiled at him.

"I am celebrating. Right here with you," he spoke, no joking tone evident.

"I'm flattered, such a gorgeous young man spending his whole night talking to me," I smirked, trying to keep the tone light hearted. 

"Really I'm the one who should be flattered, Y/N," he said in return, also smirking.

I really did love how my name sounded when a Dutch person says it. Not that I mean Max in particular but any Dutch person.

We went silent, just looking at each other. 

Max mumbled something I could barely hear, "you're so hot."

Then he leaned in and his lips met mine, for the shortest of moments. Although I had a boyfriend I couldn't help kiss back for just a second.

Then I quickly pulled away, realising the entirety of the situation.

"I- Max what was that?" I whispered, my hand lightly touching my lips. 

"Sorry, it just felt like the moment. I really shouldn't have done that, right?" He babbled. Rubbing the back of his neck, in a state of almost panic. As if he saw something I didn't.

"Max," I warned.

"I- Uhm. Daniel just walked past," he mumbled.

My heart stopped.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, scrambling to get up. Avoiding the hand Max had offered me. 

Then I ran off to the direction Max pointed me in. 

How was I supposed to explain why Daniel saw me kissing his nineteen year old teammate.

Once I saw my boyfriends familiar head of curls I was quick to run up to him.

"Dan," I spoke softly.

"Don't call me that," he spoke coldly.

"Please I can explain," I begged, holding onto his arm so he couldn't lose me as he walked through the dance floor.

"Fine then, explain. The both of you," he grumbled as he spun around. I glanced to my right and saw Max standing there too.

"Daniel, I promise you it didn't mean anything. I didn't know Max felt like that," I said, moving away from Max's hand even though I knew it was there protectively. To make sure nobody bumped into us.

"I'm sorry Daniel, I was inconsiderate and stupid. I chose the wrong moment," Max tried to explain.

"There shouldn't have been a moment at all," Dan growled. Shrugging my hand off his arm and walking away.

I glared at Max, catching a glimpse of his sad blue eyes before following Daniel. 

"Dan, I would never cheat on you. I promise you that. Max initiated the kiss and I pulled away straight away," I cried, ruining the makeup I had applied in our shared hotel room just hours before. 

"Just tell me one thing, did you like it?" Daniel questioned, his dark chocolate brown eyes glaring at me.

I went silent, I couldn't lie to him but I couldn't tell him the truth. I don't know which one would hurt us more.

"That says enough," he sighed, some of his anger subsiding to just pain. 

I cried harder, trying to get closer to him but he just eased further and further away.

Until I was just lost in a crowd of bodies, Daniel nowhere in sight.

Ok so I'm focusing on publishing oneshots for a while. Just to like get back into a creative mindset and get back into enjoying writing. I guess sometimes it feels more like a chore because my writing like slipped for a while but I'm easing myself in and I'll be back to writing Photograph and Jumper really soon. I might even have some new stories, related to F1 and other fandoms as well.

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