Sebastian Vettel- I Love You

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18- requested by Babsjex

You and Seb has been going through a bit of a rough patch. It getting close to Christmas you were starting to get scared that he was going to break up with you.

Sebastian had just returned from his ex-wife Hannah's house, he was visiting his two daughters Emilie and Matilda. You were in the middle of moving in together so he told you to just wait while he gave the girls their presents. 

Secretly you were afraid Seb was going to leave you for Hannah, she was the mother of his children after all and she was absolutely beautiful, you though she was much prettier than you. You sat on the couch in the sitting room and a tear fell down your cheek, and then more, and more.

"Y/N I'm home, sweetheart!" Seb called quietly, walking into the sitting room to see you trying to clean your face and cover up your tears.

He stopped you from walking and gently took your chin so you were looking at him. "Were you reading what fans thought about you again?" He asked, you shook your head. Seb removed his hand as you began to talk.

"I'm fine. Actually no I'm not fine." You spoke, beginning to cry again. "Y/N, I tell you not to read those all the time," he said, sounding disappointed.

"Shut up Seb, that's not it!" You said, he stopped talking at your sudden outburst. "It's stupid, it doesn't matter," you reassured and retreated to yours and Sebs bedroom.

"Y/N that is not very reassuring at all," Seb said as he followed you into your shared bedroom. "Seb I swear to fucking god, you'd think it was stupid," you cried.

"Y/N I'd never think anything you say is stupid," Seb smiled reassuringly "ok fine, I'm afraid you're going to leave me for Hannah," you sobbed.

He gave you the silliest look. "I would never leave you for Hannah, Hannah and I have finished and we're done. I love you way too much and you're the most amazing woman I have ever met," Seb spoke, trying to take your hand. 

You pulled it away and begun to walk out. Seb took your arm and pulled you into his chest, kissing you passionately. 

"I love you, liebling," Seb smiled.

"I love you too," you mumbled into his chest.

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