Chapter Two

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A/N  Sort of a filler chapter but its neccesary character development. please vote and let me know what you think :)

Ivy woke up to sound of sizzling bacon and Nova singing loudly to the radio. Goodbye Mr A by The Hoosiers was blasting through the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and dragged herself out of the bed. After chucking on jeans and a Green Day top she headed to the root of the sound. The girls had been up of the night talking about the events of the day and scrolling through Ivy's twitter. She had gained 1000 followers, just from Michael following her. Her mentions were full of people saying congratulations and some not so nice comments. She was used to negative comments though, having quite a few followers herself thanks to all the meet and greets they had at her place of work she usually received people whinging that she got follows, replies, got to meet famous people, and that they didn't and she didn't deserve it. Some people were quite brutal but she knew it was all just jealousy so she didn't let it bother her.

The two girls and sifted through all the comments replying to some of the nice ones and following back some of the people that looked interesting.

"Morning, breakfast will be done soon. Then we can head into town like we planned?" Nova asked.

"Mm." Ivy grumbled.

She wasn't a fan of early mornings. Although she was a big fan of bacon, and happily stole a few rashers that Nova had laid out on a plate. After being swatted on the hand with a greasy spatula, she sat on one the stools at the breakfast bar. She decided to check her twitter again whilst she waited. The initial buzz had died down so she turned her notifications back on.

Nova placed the plate in front of Ivy before placing one where she planned to sit.

"You can buy lunch while we're in town. I've shouted us two meals now. I think you owe me." Nova laughed.

"I think that's fair, but you are still my wench."

"I basically am. I'm not going to argue that." They both giggled.

After they'd eaten they slowly got ready and walked into town. They rarely get a day off at the same time so they decided to do something other than lounge around the flat all day. Although Ivy would have been happy to.

After a few hours of rifling through stores, Ivy's belly was rumbling.

"Should we get dinner now? What do you fancy." She asked.

Nova pulled her long blonde hair into a bun before replying.

"Anywhere with air con, I am beyond hot and sweaty mess is not a look that I am okay with."

Nova and Ivy were complete opposites look wise. Ivy wore comfy clothes and converses and had to straighten her hair for it to look anywhere near good and only wore eyeliner. Nova wore whatever made her boobs look good and showed off her legs. It was never in a slutty way though, she was classy with it, and it was always one or the other that was showing, boobs or legs. She wore quite a bit of make up, but again it wasn't layers and layers making her look fake, she managed to make it look semi natural. She was also lucking in the hair department. It was naturally straight so she never had to worry. Ivy had been extremely jealous of her when they first met at college, but her personality made it hard for them not to get along. They had quickly become best friends and as soon as they had finished college and both got jobs, they moved in together.

The two girls sat down with their sandwiches in one of the booths in Subway. They chatted generally about some of the stuff they had already brought and what shops they wanted to head to next.

Ivy's phone made the twitter bird noise and she pulled it out of her pocket. She had a DM from someone called @Gamerguy95 with the name Ash.

'Hi, thanks for following back x'

She quickly replied.

'No problem, I did it for Squirtle.'

His picture was the Pokémon, and that's what intrigued her to follow him back.

@Gamerguy95 'Ha, you like Pokémon? That's awesome!'

@PoisonIvy93 'yep! Sorry to be rude but I'm out at the minute with a friend x'

@Gamerguy95 'oh ok sorry x'

Ivy felt bad but it was rude of her to sit on her phone whilst she was out with Nova. She put her phone away and finished her sub.

The rest of the day was filled with buying more stuff and eating sweets before heading home and sprawling out on the sofa.

They stuck one of DVDs they had brought into the Xbox and pressed play. Before long they were singing 'Do you wanna build a snowman' so loudly that the upstairs neighbor was banging loudly on the floor with what sounded like a pole of some sort.

Both girls were in giggle fits when they were interrupted by Ivy's phone ringing.

They turned the TV down as she answered it. It was her dad.

"I have some bad news, and I can't make it back to tell you face to face so I'm really sorry but me and your stepmum are getting a divorce." He blurted out all at once.

"Oh." Was all that Ivy could manage.

"She said she doesn't love me anymore and wants to be on her own for a while, although I'm pretty sure she's already sleeping with someone else."

"That's awful."

"Yeah well there's nothing I can do about it, so I've just gotta deal with it. I thought I'd tell you first because she wants to tell the boys today."

Ivy sighed, her brothers were going to be devastated.

"Okay, tell them that I'm here if they want a chat. After all, I've been through it before."

"Will do. Well I've got to go, I promise to try and see you soon."

"Okay Dad, speak to you soon."

She was so angry with it all, she thought she finally had a stable family. Guess not.

'"Family" sucks.' She tweeted before venting everything to Nova.

Her phone alerted her that she had a DM, and she quickly opened and read it.

'Hope you are okay x'

"Aw that's cute, I just rant tweeted and that guy I mentioned earlier is asking if I'm okay. Some people are lovely." She said to Nova.

"Are you sure he doesn't just want a Michael follow?!" Nova asked.

"I didn't even think of that." She said, starting to get a little annoyed.

She didn't even think of that, how could she have been so stupid. She clicked on his profile and started trawling through the tweets. She couldn't find anything about 5 Seconds of Summer or anything like that, it was mainly just automated links from Xbox live saying he'd passed his friends high score and the odd tweet about pizza or being hungry. 

"I don't think its anything like that actually." Ivy stated handing Nova the phone to look through.

After a few minutes Nova agreed.

"Ooh maybe he thinks you are a hot piece of ass then." Nova laughed.

Ivy gave Nova a death stare before replying to the DM that had been sent to her.

'Yeah, sorry just ranting I guess. Can't choose your family x'

'Sorry x'

'Hey don't worry about it, unless you're the one my stepmums sleeping with its not your fault :) x'

'I don't think I am? Haha x'

'There you go then it's all good x'

Ivy put her phone into her jeans pocket before heading to the kitchen to make the roast dinner she'd promised Nova.

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