Chapter Thirty

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long, I'm back at University and my deadline is in two weeks so I've been working my ass off on that. I decided to take a break to write a chapter, so I'm sorry if this sucks. January, I'll be finishing the story! Cause with  my sons birthday, my deadline and christmas I have no time, so yeah January I have nothing to do except my fiances birthday, so I will get this finished!
Again, I'd like to aplogise for Michael's mum, I'm sure she'd an amazing woman, I mean look at her kid ;) but for the purposes of the story, she has to be like this :P 

"Ivy!" He said, pushing Rebecca away the second he saw her. 

She just sat there in silence refusing to look up again in case she saw Rebeccas smug face. 

"I've been waiting for you inside." Michael told her.
"Yeah looks like it." She muttered.
"Why didn't you come in?" Michael asked.
"Because my name wasn't on the list." She told him bluntly.
"Yeah it was, I put it on there."
"Clearly not, and the woman told me your girlfriend was already with you. I didn't expect this though."
"I don't understand, that makes no sense."
"Well, y'know. Its what happened. "
Rebecca stood next to them with a smug look on her face.
"What did you do?" Michael turned to face her.
"Nothing. Its not me you want to be blaming. Plus you didnt push me away when I held onto you."
"Because the press were there, I'd look like a dick if I pushed you away." He defended, trying not to raise his voice and draw attention to them.
Ivy just stood there watching them argue. She didn't understand at all. She was confused as to who she was supposed to blame.
"Tell me what the fuck is going on Rebecca."
"Why don't you ask your mum." She simply told him, with a smile on her face as she walked away.
"I don't understand." Michael said, turning his attention back to Ivy.
"Me neither, but obviously we need to talk to your mum and find out what the fuck is going on." She told him.
Michael pulled his phone out and quickly called their driver.
"Anyway whats going on with Ashton?" Ivy asked, realising that she hadn't already.
"He's okay, a bit confused from all the drugs, but he's recovering well already apparently."
"That's great." She replied.

The driver pulled up and Michael opened the door to let Ivy in, she walked around him and to the otherside of the car and got in. She knew she was being petty, but she was hurt and she didn't know how to react. She didn't have Nova here to help her to understand. If she was at home, her and Nova would be ranting and then get pizza and be over it all. She missed Nova alot,. 

They rode in silence back to Michaels house. It wasn't until they got into the house and saw his mum that either spoke. 

"What did you do with Rebecca?" Michael asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She answered, with a smirk on her face. 

"What the fuck did you do?" Michael asked, getting angrier by the second. 

"Nothing." She simply stated.

"You need to start talking now." Ivy piped up.

"Fine, I just helped you find the right path Michael, I only want the best for you." She finally answered.

"You mean you actually did this? You planned this all from the start?" Michael shouted.

"Yes, I kept Ivy here, and arranged for Rebeccas name to be on the list. She wanted to be by your side, and is much better suited to you." 

"Fuck you." Ivy spat. 

She ran to Michaels room and started throwing her stuff back into the suitcase. Ivy could hear Michael shouting at his mum, but blocked it out. Right now she had to figure out how to get home. She didn't have enough money to buy her return ticket, because Michael had convinced her to let him pay, and she didn't want to outright ask him for it. She knew her dad had said he would get her home, but she didn't want to bother him, she knew that he couldn't afford it, and that he'd get himself stuck trying to get the money. She'd rather struggle than make someone  else struggle. 

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