Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N: I like this chapter, no idea why but y'know. Please let me know what you think, I would really like it of you could comment. Even if its just something simple. I really really like hearing what you guys think! What do you think is going to happen next? 
Please vote too! 

"No, don't leave me!" Nova pleaded jokingly. 

"I have to, I wanna go see the kangaroos and the dingoes." Ivy replied.

"A dingo stole my baby, put another shrimp on the barbie, crikey mate. Isn't this enough Australian for you?" She laughed. 

"That was incredibly stereotypical." Ashton told her. 

"Oh go back and eat your vegemite." She rolled her eyes, before laughing, earning a gentle shove back from Ashton. 

"You'll miss me really. I'm the cute one." 

"Nah, I'll mostly just miss Ivy, maybe Calum a little bit." She smiled playfully. 

Everyone knew that Calum and Nova kept hooking up. Neither wanted anything serious, so it was just a bit of no strings attached fun. They'd tried to keep it a secret, but when Ivy came home from work one day, to find Calum balls deep in her best friend on the sofa, it kinda gave it away a little. 

They all went around each other hugging, with Ivy and Nova having the longest hug. Nova wouldn't let go of her and both girls were in floods of tears. 

"Wow, seriously, girls are weird." Calum told them, pulling them apart. 

"We have to go, they are calling our plane." Luke announced. 

"I hate you all." Nova told them. 

"Love you to." Ivy told her. 

They walked towards the boarding gate, turning round every 5 seconds, just to wave at Nova. Once their passports and tickets had been checked for about the millionth time since they'd gotten to the airport, they walked down the corridor and onto the plane. Before long, the seatbelt button came on and they all buckled up. Ivy's breath became ragged as she started to worry. She hadn't been on a plane before. She only had a passport because she'd been to France on a ferry with her college. She started feeling very faint and had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. 

"Are you okay?" Michael asked, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Just peachy, thanks." She anxiously mumbled. 

"You'll be fine, I'm here, and just think at least we're in first class. So its not as full of people,so if you hurl, not too many people will see."

"Gee, thanks Mikey, that makes me feel just fab."

"Seriously,  why  would you call me Mikey when we are stuck here on this plane, you know I love the way you say that." He winked causing her to blush red. "You're so fucking adorable."

"You're not bad yourself." She told him.

"So, about we join the mile high club?" He whispered quietly into her ear, causing shivers to go down her spine. 

"Michael, we are on a plane in front of lots of people, I am not having sex right here." 

"Yeah that wouldn't happen anyway, you're mine. I wouldn't want anyone else to have the satisfaction of seeing you like that. I meant that when the seat belt light goes off, I go to the bathroom, a few minutes later you suddenly need the toilet and you knock on the door and I let you in, and then you let me in aayyy." He said, wiggling his eyebrows in a way that made Ivy erupt into laughter. 
She couldn't deny the tingles she felt at the idea though. Maybe it would settle her nerves?

"You're on." She told him, a playful smile lingering.

Ivy's heart was beating quickly with anticipation by the time the seatbelt light was off. Michael got up and walked off with a cheeky smile on his face. Ivy waited for a few minutes, her stomach doing flips. Did she really want to go and have sex in a toilet on an aeroplane? Of course she did it was with Michael Clifford. She slowly got up, expecting to fall straight down again, but the plane was alot more stable than she expected. It didn't stop her holding on to all the chairs as much as she could on the way to the bathroom. 
She got the bathroom and stopped in her tracks.There was two doors and she had no idea which one Michael was in. She was standing there for at least a few more minutes before finally just knocking on the one on the right and hoping for the best. Luckily, the door opened, and Michael pulled her inside. 
His lips were on hers in seconds, barely leaving them to even breathe. He pulled down her leggings and knickers before propping her against the disability bar attached to the back of the wall. He quickly unbuckled his belt  and pulled his jeans down before slowly thrusting into her. He put his mouth back to hers, and ran his fingers down her sides, earning a shiver from Ivy. She was beginning to quiver and her moans were becoming more ragged and closer together, so Michael responded by thrusting faster. She moaned her release, with him following shortly after. 
"Fuck." Michael exclaimed. "Ew, I shouldn't have opened my eyes, my jizz face is not attractive." 

Ivy gave him a puzzled look before noticing there had been a mirror behind them the whole time. She flashed him a quick smile before sorting herself out and readjusting her hair so that it didn't look like she'd just been fucked against the wall in a toilet. 

They made the mistake of walking out together, and unfortunately one of the flight attendents noticed them. She gave them a stern look before walking off up to front of the plane. They walked back to their seats hand in hand, giggling like little children. As they sat down, they heard the tanoy system kick in and a womans voice could be heard throughout the plane.

"Passengers are reminded that the toilets are to be used by one person at a time, thank you for your cooperation." 

This made them laugh even harder, causing everyone in first class to look at them. 

"You dirty bastards." Calum laughed from the seats in front of them. 

"Hey, you're just jealous that you aren't a member of the mile high club." Michael retorted.

Ivy tried to hide her embarrasment by taking a sip of her lemonade. 

"Yeah, but you lost your virginity in a disabled toilet so-" 

Ivy spat her drink everywhere, and began coughing. 

"Classy." She commented, when she'd finally composed herself.

"I was young okay, leave me alone." He laughed. "You lost yours in an alleyway, so dont judge me Calum." 

"Shut up and get some sleep. We're probably gonna get mobbed when we get to the airport. So get some rest now." Calum told him. 

"Oh fuck, how did I forget about that? What are we gonna do about Ivy?" Michael asked. 

"Good job I was prepared." Luke told them. "I brought an extra hoody and some sunglasses for Ivy too. If we let her out first, people may assume that she's just another passenger, especially if she goes in a group of other people. Then the car for us is waiting right outside the plane. She just needs to jump in and we jump in after."

"Okay that kinda makes sense. I just really dont want to be all over Twitter again, the last lot has only just died down." Ivy explained. 

"Wheres Ashton anyway?" Michael asked. 

"He said he wasn't feeling too good, I think he's currently puking in the other bathroom." Luke told him.

They were still all talking, as Ivy's eyes started to feel heavy. The sex with Michael had definitely calmed her down alot. She wasnt as nervous about the flying. She slowly started drifting to sleep.

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