Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: HOW IS THIS AT ALMOST 6K???? You guys are amazeballs!

"What do you mean public? Like tell the world?" Ivy asked.

"Yeah, I think that it'll be easier. No more sneaking about, I won't have to hide you from everyone anymore. You don't have too, but I just.. I don't know. I just really think it could be good. I've cleared it with management, and they've told me how I can go about it, and they actually think it will be good too, because at least it would stop all the rumours. It would just be out in the open. Oh god, that sounds like I'm pressuring you. I promise you that it is entirely your decision. Okay, I'm rambling, I'm gonna stop now." He said nervously. 

"No I get it, I just need some time to think is all." She told him. 

"Okay, take your time. This is a big decision. I want you to make sure you are 100% sure." 

They went back to their comfortable silence, and concentrated on the TV.

Before long, they heard the front door swing open, and Nova shouting her greetings.

"Hi honey, I'm ho-"

She stopped abruptly after seeing Michael on the sofa. 

"Oh hey, didn't realise you were back! Oh god, the others aren't coming over are they, I don't even look cute, my uniform is not the best thing ever." Nova moaned. 

"Well I thought about asking if you guys wanted to come over to the hotel? The boys are having a few drinks." Michael told them.

"I'm not really feeling it tonight." Ivy said, trying to give Nova some sort of signal. 

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty tired." Nova said, cottoning on to Ivys signals. 

"Yeah, you go. And I'll call you later, or tomorrow, okay?" Ivy asked Michael.

"Okay, I know where I'm not wanted." He laughed. "I'll ring Luke and get him to come pick me up, if he hasnt already started drinking."

He got up slowly, stretching out his body fully, before reaching down and kissing Ivy on the forehead and heading to the kitchen. 

"So whats up? What was with the signals?" Nova urged.

"I'll talk to you when he goes."

Michael walked back in to inform them that Luke would be there soon, as he hadn't touched a drop yet, then pulled Ivy up to him. 

"Think about what I said, okay?" He asked her, touching her forehead with his. 

"I promise, I will. I'll let you know." She smiled. 

"Thank you." He smiled back, pulling himself away and lifting his jacket from the edge of the sofa and slipping it on. 

He gave her a quick kiss before grabbing the pizza box from the table and quickly kissing Ivy.

"I'll take this outside to the bin and wait out there for Luke, I love you." He told her. 

"Okay, I love you too." She smiled back at him.

Once she heard the door click shut she told Nova the situation. 

"Wow that's a tough one, I mean it'd be good because at least you don't have to sneak around. But are you ready for it? You won't have a private life anymore?" Nova contemplated. 

"I know that's the problem. I'm not ready for the abuse. So many girls are in love with him, I mean understandably, but still. They are going to crazy, I mean look at the way they all reacted to the pictures. Theyd have a fucking field day if we said we were together." Ivy responded. 

"You need to do whats best for you. Maybe give him a call in a bit, talk it through with him properly, like what happens next sorta thing." 

"Yeah okay, I think I want to just so we dont have hide, but like I said, its the fans, thats going to be the problem. I think I'll probably delete twitter, just because then I wont have to put up wth abuse, and I dont really care if they find Facebook, I will happily delete that."

"The fact you've thought about this enough to have thought all that gives me the impression that you'll be okay with this." Nova told her. 

"Yeah I guess it kinda does." She responded. "I'll give him some time, I'll talk to him tomorrow instead of ringing him. Let him worry a little first. He's probably already drinking with the guys anyway. I'll text him in the morning and go over or something, maybe it will help his hangover."

Both girls laughed a little before Nova spoke again. 

"Ooh that probably means I'll be in the spotlight too, maybe I should find some drunken photos of you so I can make some money out of this." She joked. 

Ivy threw one of the sofa cushions straight at her head. 

"I have just as many as you do remember." Ivy laughed.

"Okay good point, I'll keep them to myself." 


"So what's up?" Michael asked Ivy as she nervously sat on the end of the bed.

"I made a decision." She told him, with a sad look on her face. 

"Oh, dont worry. It was just an idea." Michael told her, sensing that her facial expressions meant she was about to say no.

She struggled not to give in. She had it all planned, she wanted to make him think she wasn't going to say yes, and then she'd send him a direct message on Twitter telling him she was ready for it all to be public. 

Michael laid back on the bed sighing, whilst Ivy got her phone out of her pocket and started to write the message. 

Michaels phone made a tweeting bird noise, but he didn't move. 

"Shouldn't you see what that is?" Ivy asked, trying not to giggle.

"Nah its okay, I'll look later. Probably just a new follower or something, I only get notifications from the Ash account, and since I told you who I was, I haven't really used it." He told her.

"You should check it though, might be important." She responded, trying not to give the game away.

I cant be bothered though."

"Michael Gordon Clifford, will you see what that is please. Jeeze."

"Alright bossy pants." He joked, pulling his phone from his pocket with a confused face. 

As he read the message, a massive smile creeped onto his face.

"Omg really? You're okay with going public? Ahhh, I love you so much!" He almost squealed, jumping off the bed, pulling her up and swinging her round. 

"Yes, if it makes things easier, yes." She smiled. 

He pulled her close again and quickly put his mouth on hers, kissing her roughly. 

Ivy's head was far away in thought though. She knew nothing would be the same again. 

A/N: *sobs violently* Thats the end! :'( There will be an epilogue, and if theres enough interest I will be posting a sequel. 

I'll say all my thank you's after the epilogue, but just be warned. I'll be sappy! Love you all! 


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