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A/N: Okay this is it. Epilogue time. The italics is flashbacks. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
Thank you so much to everyone that has read this, and who will read this now it is finished. It means a lot to me that you have taken time to read it.
Special thanks, and dedicated to: my bestiest friend ever, Lucy (@reknaw) who has been here since the beginning and has given me help/advice for the story. 
I love you guys! I'm thinking up a sequel, so be on the lookout! I may just post a collection of one shots, (if that makes sense) that are to do with this story, like throughout their lives? I dont know yet. But anyway yeah, enjoy! <3

One Year Later

Ivy looked over at her boyfriend, with a big smile on her face. She couldn't believe how crazy the last year had been. They had announced their relationship the day after she'd told him that she was okay with it, and everything had gone crazy, but suprisingly, the majority of the responses were good. They were happy that Michael was happy. 

Michael had announced a couple of weeks after it all, that he had put a deposit down on a place close to Ivy and Nova's flat and that he wanted her to move in. He offered to help Nova with the rent, but she sorted out so that Daisy from Ivy's work would move in. It worked out well for them all, and Nova was extremely happy for her best friend. It turned out it had been good that they'd moved in together. Exaclty 2 months after they had finished unpacking everything, Ivy found out she was pregnant again. At first they were both in denial, they were terrified of anything happening. When they got to 20 weeks and had an anomaly/gender scan though, the excitement finally started to kick in. They found out they were having a healthy little girl.

They started decorating the spare room, and turnng it into a nursery. Between them they kitted it out with everything they needed, and painted it light pink before putting a music note border around the whole room. Michael had wanted a Marvel themed nursery, but figured that wasn't quite appropriate for their little lady.  They framed the baby vest that the guys had all written on from before, so that it would always have a place. They'd even started thinking of names.

"Ooh I like the name Rebecca." Ivy laughed, provoking Michael.

"Yeah that's a no from me." Michael replied. "How about Michaela?"  

"You better be joking Clifford, thats the stupidest thing ever." 

Michael carried on flicking through the pages of the baby name book.

"How about Olivia?" He suggested.

"I actually really like that. Olivia Clifford, that sounds good." Ivy smiled.

"Clifford? You'll let her have my last name?" Michael asked, sounding surprised. 

"Obviously, why wouldn't I?" 

"I don't know, I mean, I hoped you would but I just didn't expect it."

"Well get used to it Mister." She smiled.

Ivy watched Michael walk across the room holding their two week old little girl and pass her to his mum. It had taken a lot of time for Ivy to forgive her, but when they told her that they were expecting she broke down in tears and got the soonest flight to England that she could get, even Michaels dad got time off of work.

"I'm sorry, I just missed Michael so much. With his dad gone all the time for work, and then my little boys career taking off, I just felt so alone. I figured if he got back with Rebecca, he'd come back to Australia, or I'd at least see him more." Karen explained to her. 

"I get it, It's okay. Just be here for you grandchild. That's all I ask."

Karen pulled her in for a hug and smiled.

"Don't tell Michael, but his dad is looking into a place over here that he can be transferred to, and we are looking at selling the house and getting something over here. We want to be closer to Michael, and if that means moving across the world then so be it. We talked about it on the flight over, we want to be part of our grandchilds life, and that will obviously be here." She added. 

"Hey, Earth to Ivy!" Michael said, waving a hand in front of her face, dragging her from the memory.

"Sorry, was just thinking." She responded with a smile.

"Okay well, Olivia needs feeding, do you want me to do it or do you want to?" Michael asked.

"I don't mind doing my grandmotherly duties!" Karen offered. 

"Well if you insist." Michael laughed, giving the cooled bottle to his mum. 

 There was a knock at the door, and the rest of the band, followed by Nova and Ivy's dad all walked in as Michael opened the door. They all crammed into the living room. 

"What are you all doing here?" Ivy asked, standing up to give everyone hugs. 

She turned around to find Michael on the ground on one knee, holding a small box, and her heart felt like it skipped a beat. Michael opened the box to reveal a silver ring with a little diamond, and lots of little purple stones around it.

"Mikey!" She squealed, trying to hold back the happy tears. 

"So Poison Ivy, will you marry me?" He asked, stumbling over the words with nerves. 

"No." Ivy responded shortly.

"Oh, well this is awkward." Luke laughed, whilst Michaels expression dropped. 

"I'm joking you idiot, of course I will." 

He stood up, and wrapped his arms around her, before kissing her roughly. Ivy's dad cleared his throat, causing them to pull away from eachother.

"Just because I gave you permission to marry my daughter, doesn't mean I'm okay with you doing all that in front of me." He laughed.

"Yeah get a room." Calum joked. 

"No thats not the direction they should head, theres been enough of that." Ivys dad laughed, gesturing towards baby Olivia. "Talking of which, can I get squishes with my granddaughter?" 

Mrs Clifford stood up, and passed Olivia to Ivy's dad with a smile.

"Here you go Grandad." She laughed.

"Thanks Grandma." He joked back. 

Ivy leant her head onto Michaels shoulder, holding her hand out to admire her engagement ring.

"Do you like it?" Michael asked her quietly.

"Like it? I love it, its perfect!" She replied.

"Good, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.I love you so much." He told her. 

"Me either, I love you more." 


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