Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: I apologise in advance :)
vote and comment please! :)

Ivy had been tossing and turning all night. She'd barely gotten any sleep. Michael hadn't replied to her, and she was starting to worry.

She slowly got herself out of bed, and ready for work. She had wanted to just stay in bed and wait by the phone for Michael to text or call, but she knew that wouldn't help anything. Maybe work would help to distract her.

When she arrived at work, she soon realised it was the furthest thing from a distraction. More people seemed to be buying 5 Seconds of Summer CDs or posters than she'd ever had before, or maybe it was because she'd never taken much notice of what people brought. It definitely didn't help distract her though, and seeing his face acted as a constant reminder. The more she saw his face, and the more she checked her phone everytime no one was looking, the angrier she got, and the more convinced she was that she was a hook up. By the time she got home she was fuming. She'd still had nothing from Michael. Nova was already home and Ivy went into full rant mode once she'd gotten in.

"Well all this is all over twitter and I've text him a few times now and he's not replying. I know I'm probably jumping to conclusions, but this all adding up badly."

"Calm down." Nova told her. "Have you tried ringing him?"

"No I'll try it now."

She rang his number, only to get a recorded message saying 'Sorry this number is not available.'

"Not available? That could be anything. He's probably blocked my number. It wouldn't surprise me. All this twitter stuff and being cute and everything, was probably just some elaborate plan to get in my pants." Ivy ranted, tears starting to fall down her face.

"I'm sure its not that, there's probably an explanation. I don't think he'd do all that. Not when he could just go up to most girls and say fuck me and they would in a heartbeat."

"Maybe that's the thing though, that's too easy. He probably likes to make a little game of it."

"That's just silly, come on Ivy stop thinking like this." Nova pleaded.

"I'm probably his monthly charity case or something, picks an ugly one to make them feel better about life just to break them down again." Ivy cried.

"Right, less of that. We are going out for a drive. Get your ass in the car, we're getting pizza. My treat."

Ivy knew she couldn't turn Nova down, she knew that Nova would drag her out kicking and screaming if she refused.

"Okay." She sniffled, wiping away her tears.

They got into the car and headed to their favourite pizza place. They always came here when one of them was sad. The man that owned it always seemed to pick up on the bad vibe, and give them free drinks and extra food when they went in. Then again that could also be because Nova always flirted with him, but still. This time was no different. They ordered a 10" pizza between them, and ended up with a 14" plus a portion of chips and a bottle of coke each.

They tried to avoid talking about the whole hook up situation the whole time they were eating, but Ivy couldn't help but check her phone every 10 minutes. She'd still have a glimmer of hope each time, but still nothing. She'd even snuck to the bathroom on her own to try ringing again. It was still unavailable. She'd pretty much accepted that she was just a hook up at this point, but she was still pissed that he wouldn't even face up to it.

They'd finished their food and were almost back at the car when Ivy's phone started buzzing. Her heart started racing, she pulled it out of her jeans pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" She answered shakily.

"Hello, is that Ivy?"

She was disappointed by the lack of Australian accent.

"Yeah, who's this?" She sighed.

"Doug from work. I need to ask a favour."

"Okay, go on."

"Can we switch days tomorrow and the next day please? I'd like the day off the day after tomorrow and I've left it too long to apply for it so I was just hoping we could switch days off."

"Yeah sure. I'll sort it tomorrow with Ben and let you know."

"You're a life saver, thank you. Bye"


Ivy put the phone back into her pocket and got into the car.

"I'm guessing that wasn't him, seen as how your face dropped and stayed that way the whole time." Nova stated.

"It was Doug from work, wanting to switch days." She simply told her.

They headed back home in an awkward silence, so Ivy flicked the stereo on. The first song that came on was definitely not what she wanted to hear.

"Typical." She muttered under her breath.

She quickly changed the radio to CD and put in the Bon Jovi album that Nova had in the car. Livin' on a prayer was definitely better than Amnesia.

Both girls were singing loudly as they made their way home.

They were only 10 minutes away from home, and were stopped at the junction. Nova turned the music down and concentrated on the car in the distance behind them. It was speeding and all over the place, Nova had realised too late, she tried to get out of the way to no avail. The car hit them, and they both screamed, Ivy had no idea what was happening as the car tipped. She struggled to keep her eyes open, and could taste metal in her mouth before everything went black.

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