Chapter Six

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A/N: I'm am cracking these chapters out so fast. I'm so excited where this is going. Please please please comment and vote!

"Get him to prove it. Whatever he does will either prove it, or will lead us to whoever this is. Its worth a try." Nova told her.

Ivy thought about it for a little while. She had nothing left to lose, so why not? 
'Prove it then.' She typed quickly to him on the Xbox.

Nova scurried off to make some tea while Ivy stuck a program on Netflix whilst they waited for a response. They managed to watch 2 episodes of Sons of Anarchy and had started to watch the next when a reply popped up.
'Okay? So what are you going to do to prove it?'
'You'll see.'

Ivy gave up. She flicked back to the episode they were watching and curled up on the sofa.

"What even is this person up to?" Nova asked.

"Who knows, I guess we'll see if anything actually happens." Ivy shrugged.

In her head she had given up. She knew this person was giving her the run around, they were clearly not going to do anything. They weren't Ash, and they weren't Michael Clifford. She'd just settle with the idea that it was a fan of one of the bands she'd met. It was the only one that made her feel better.

Ivy turned up for work the next day expecting it to drag by as usual. She was starting to put it all behind her and come to terms with it all, and to be honest she just wanted to get home and get her Jax Teller fix.

"Hey Ivy, something turned up for you a little while ago by courier, I was a bit confused but it was important apparently." Ben told her as she clocked in.

"Oh, um okay. " she replied, puzzled.

He passed the parcel to her and walked off. Opening the package carefully, she tried to peek inside. She couldn't figure it out so pulled the contents out.

There was a hand written note so she read that first.

'You and Nova should come along. M xxxx'

She ripped open the flap to the envelope and peeked inside. Her heart started racing. Inside was 2 tickets to the 5 Seconds of Summer show that was playing a week from then in the town next to hers plus 2 VIP lanyards. She had wanted to buy tickets but they'd sold out within minutes and they couldn't afford them off of the sites that buy and sell them on for three times the price. She stared at them in disbelief. As far as she could tell, they were real. For all she knew though, they could be fake, and they didn't prove that it was Michael. Anyone can buy tickets, and courier them overnight. The VIP lanyards were probably faked, she knew they probably wouldnt get them anywhere. Whoever it was, knew where she worked though, and that creeped her out. But she guessed that with her Twitter saying that she was working meet and greets and then the days she wrote about them, it couldn't be that difficult to work out.

The day went quicker this time, she pottered about serving customers and cleaning everywhere before eventually they shut the store and she was allowed to go home.

She walked into the flat to find Nova cooking pasta bake. Ivy placed the tickets in front of her and waited for her reaction.

"Omg you scored tickets, that's amazing!" She nearly shouted with excitement.

"Nope, they were couriered to me at work this morning."

"Oh, wait what?"

"I think this is supposed to be Michael proving it." She put her fingers up and used them as inverted commas around the name Michael.

"Ah right, but anyone could have sent you these?"


"We're still going though right?"

"Obviously. We just have to have our wits about us, and stick together."

"Wooo, we're going to see 5 Seconds of Summer!" Nova danced around the kitchen.

"Oh and there's these, but I have a feeling they are fake." Ivy said, waving the lanyards in her face.

"Ooh, well we'll take them anyway, the worst they can say is no and then we know its a lie but at least you can soften the blow by still seeing 5SOS!"

Nova had a way of always making a positive.

Nova's timer went off on her phone to alert her to put the cheese onto the pasta bake. She quickly did so before returning to dancing around the kitchen with Ivy.

After the food had been eaten and they'd watched all the soaps on TV, Ivy decided to get an early night. She walked into her bedroom, got ready for bed and got herself curled up into bed. She plugged her phone into charge and scrolled through her social media accounts not finding much interesting. She quickly tweeted that she was excited to be seeing 5SOS next week and scrolled through again. Out of boredom she kept flicking the timeline up and down as she was about to close the app she noticed that Michael had tweeted a smiley emoticon face. She had accepted the fact that it wasn't him, but still it would have been nice if it was. She smiled at all the responses from fans saying that they are glad he's happy, it was good to see there was things like this. There was also the odd weird response but she didn't even want to go into that.

She favourited the tweet then actually closed the app and laid down properly, it wasn't long before sleep took over.

Her sleep consisted of one main dream, that she remembered anyway. She was in the crowd at the show with Nova, she smiled at Michael and he smiled back. She was about to wave at him when someone suddenly grabbed her and said they were sorry and that they were catfishing her because she had a Michael follow and they wanted to get close so that he would follow them too.

She woke up dripping with sweat. She was getting sick of such vivid dreams now, she just wanted the concert to be here so that it was all over and done with.

A/N: so what do you guys think? do you think its Michael or someone else?

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