Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: sorry, I thought I'd posted all the chapters I'd written but I just found this one chilling in my Writer app. Sorry its been so long, I've moved house and started back at uni and everything's hectic. I've lost my notes amongst the move so I'm gonna have to write more and hopefully remember everything I had :( bare with me! Thanks for your patience. Please vote and comment!!

When Michael got to the hotel the tears were still streaming down his face. He didn't want to leave Ivy there, but he knew it was better to do what she wanted and get Nova. He'd already picked Nova up and she was in the seat next to him in the car. The driver was dropping him off then taking Nova to Ivy. As he went to get out of the car, Nova grabbed his hand and squeezed it, giving him a small smile.

"I'm sorry this is happening, I promise to look after her." She told him.

"I know you will. Ring me if you need picking up again and I'll sort something out for you." He replied before getting out of the car and heading towards the hotel doors.

He needed to keep it together long enough to tell the boys.

Michael knocked on the door to the first room they had with no answer, so moved to the next one and knocked again. They usually had a secret knock so that the others knew it was another band member but right now his brain couldn't function well enough to remember it. He heard movement and Ashtons voice calling out asking who it was. When he replied saying it was him, the door swung open and he walked through.

"Oh, um, hey Mikey." Luke stuttered.

Their manager was inside the room with them and they were all huddled around the laptop.

"Whats going on?" Michael asked.

"You probably don't want to know." Calum replied.

"Tell me." He demanded.

He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Calum grabbed the laptop and walked over to Michael who was already walking towards him. He twisted the laptop in his hands so that Michael could see the screen. It was littered with pictures of Michael on the floor in the ultrasound department and a different one of Ivy next to him.

Without even reacting, Michael asked their manager what he needed to do.

"We've had as many as we can taken down, but its difficult because people have retweeted it and saved it and all sorts. I think you need to just write something like 'something personal has happened as you've all seen this isn't something I wish to share and would appreciate the privacy'."

Michael nodded slowly. He couldn't contain his emotions around them as well as he'd hoped. He burst into tears again and crumpled to the floor. The three boys were hugging him before he could work out what was happening.

"We're so sorry." Luke told him.

"It's gone, the baby's gone." Michael sobbed even harder.

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