Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ashton, Luke and Calum had all already been dropped off at their house, and Michael and Ivy were on their way to Michaels family's house. He'd already explained to her that him and his mum were tempermental and could be getting on fine then fall out again, and that his dad was usually away for work. 

"She does know I'm coming right?" 


Ivy gave him a disapproving look.

"Well, she knows I'm coming home. She just doesnt know someones going to be with me."

"Michael, how could you not tell her?"

"I dont know. I just didn't know how to. I didn't know what I wanted to tell her about us. Like are we telling her everything? I just wanted you here with me. If she doesnt want us here I'll pay for a hotel. But I'm sure it'll be fine." He promised.

"It better be Mister, I wish you'd have told me you hadn't actually told her."

"Yeah, but then you would have changed your mind and not come with me, and I dont think I could have come back myself then." 

"It's a good job I love you." She told him, gripping his hand tighter as the car began to come to a stop.

She was terrified. She'd heard all about Lukes mum Liz, everyone knew about her, and all the other lads openly talked about their families. Michael wasnt so open, he chose not to talk about it at all. She remembered once that he'd told her he had nothing back home, and that'd why he wanted to stay with her, obviously he didn't mean it literally.She just hoped that his family liked her. 
They walked up a long walkway to the front door. The house didn't look too big, and there were random potted plants all over the place that looked like they'd never been watered. Michael pulled the handle on the door and swung it open,before walking in and pulling Ivy in with him. She was a sweaty mess from both heat and nerves and could already feel herself getting faint. 

"Where can I put my jacket?" She whispered to Michael.

He took it off of her and held it in his arms.

"I warned you not to wear it, I knew you'd get too hot."

"Yeah, but I didn't realise it would be quite this hot." She admitted.

Michael's mum finally appeared in the room, and her eyes darted to Ivy. 

"Who's this Mike?" She asked him curiously.

"Mum, this is my girlfriend, Ivy." He announced proudly.

"Oh, hi." She simply said to Ivy.

Michael shot an angry look at his mother.

"Can you at least try to be nice?" He pleaded.

"I am being nice, I'm just taken aback, I kind of had a surprise for you." She told him. 

"Oh, whats that?" He asked with a worried tone.

"You can come through now." She shouted through to the room she'd appeared from.

A girl walked through and gave Michael a half smile. She was beautiful. She was thin, but had curves exactly where they needed to be, she had long brown hair that came down past her shoulders. She walked up to Michael, and threw her arms around him.

"Mikeeeeey." She lengthened his name, and it came out sing songish. 

Ivy felt sick to her stomach. Who was this? And why did it make Ivy feel like this, just because she'd called him Mikey. 

"Who are you?" She bluntly asked Ivy. 

"Michaels girlfriend." Ivy stated back.

The girl sniggered slightly before moving back to Michaels mum. 

"And here I was thinking that you'd come running back to me the second you got back." The girl laughed. "Your mum even thought you would,  that's why she invited me here today."

 Ivy just stood there frozen, contemplating running out of the door. She had no idea where to even go though, and she didn't want to look weak. She'd figured out that this had meant this was the ex he'd been talking about a while back. She vaguely remembered a conversation they'd had before she knew he was Michael too. 


'My mum has always had an obsession with my ex, I think it's something do to with the fact she has a crush on her dad xxxx'
'Thats a bit weird xxxx'
'Yeah, everytime I talk to her she mentions my ex, I hate it. We broke up so long ago mutually, yet my ex likes to stir things and go along with my mum xxxx'
'That really is messed up xxxx'

"Well, you may aswell fuck off home now. Noone wants you here Rebecca" Michael hissed.

"Your mum does, so maybe I'll stick around." 

Michael sighed before pulling Ivy close and guiding her to another room. Inside was a double bed on one side, and a desk with a computer set up on it.  

"I am so sorry, I never even thought she'd be here. I thought she'd have given up already." 

"I'm really confused." She admitted. 

"Basically, my mum hasn't quit bugging me about Rebecca since we broke up. Rebecca just used to stay out of it, until I got famous. Now she goes along with it, and is always with my mum. But she hasnt been mentioned for a while, so I thought maybe she'd finally given up and now this." He explained. 

"Well this is awkward." 

"Yep." He agreed. "I really am sorry. I'll try and get rid of her."

"Okay." Ivy replied. 

She already didn't like this girl, and she'd only just met her. Michael left the room with an apologetic look on his face. 

Ivy pulled her phone out of her pocket, deciding to call her dad to check in with him like she'd promised she would. It only had 1% left and her charger was in the bag Mikey had left near the front door. She walked back to Mikey's bedroom door and listened to see if she could hear anything. She could hear the faint noise that sounded like chopping, but nothing else. She slowly edged her way out and into the front room. The front door was wide open and she could see Mikey and Rebecca outside, she tried to sneak over to the bag at the door with out  being seen, but Rebecca saw her and gave her an evil smile before throwing he arms around Michael and trying to kiss him. Michael pushed her away immediately.

"No, I have a girlfriend. I don't love you. Please just leave." He told her, anger starting to resenenate in his voice. 

Ivy stormed out the front door and to Michaels side, causing Rebecca to laugh again. 

"If you'd rather be with this fat peice of shit than me, then that's your loss. You'll come running back when you realise she's only with you because you're famous." Rebecca laughed. 

"No, listen here you vile human being." Ivy started, walking up to Rebecca and getting in her face. "I dont give a fuck what you say about my weight. I get it Im fat, well done for using your eyes. But don't you dare say that I only love Michael because he's famous. I am in love with him. Just because you were with him first does not make you better than me. It defintely doesnt mean that you love him more." 

Michael looked at Ivy in amazement, he'd never seen her like this before, and truth be told he liked it. He walked up behind her and hugged her, pulling her back from Rebecca. 

"i think you really should leave now." Michael told Rebecca. 

Admitting defeat, Rebecca threw her hands up. 

"Whatever Clifford."

She walked down the driveway and headed off. Michael and Ivy walked back in the house, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. His phone began to ring and he was quick to answer. He said a few yes's to the person on the phone, before a quick 'okay, bye' before sliding the phone back into his pocket. Ivy picked up on the sad look on his face. 

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

"Ashtons in hospital."

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