Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: 2 updates in one day, wooo. This ones dedicated to @reknaw who isn't feeling well and wanted an extra chapter to cheer her up! :) vote and comment please!!

"Wow, last night was insane."  Nova stated.

"I know right!"

"So what did you do when you left the room last night, I need details."

"No, you first!"

"Fiiiine. Although nothing really happened, we fooled around but didnt go all the way, I'm not that easy."

Ivy nervously laughed.

"You fucked Michael Clifford didn't you? You bad ass." Nova said.

"Yeah and apparently that now makes me easy."

"Oh god no, you two have been talking for a while and stuff, and from what you told me happened in our kitchen, it was inevitable really. Whereas if I'd have gone there with Calum, I'd be easy cause we've only spoken like twice." Nova explained.

"Good save." Ivy laughed.

"Okay now I want details, obviously I know you had sex, but tell me everything, okay not literally everything ew, you know what I mean." Nova demanded.

She told her basically what happened, but left out some of the parts she wanted to just share with Michael, by the end of it, Nova was bouncing around like a child.

"Oh my gosh, do you think you'll get together, that'd be so awesome." She almost squealed.

"I don't know, we haven't spoken about anything like that. We were sort of taking it slow, although after last night that plan went out the window."

'Who'd have thought this time a few months ago you'd be sitting on this sofa having screwed Michael. Wow." Nova laughed. "Anyway I need to get ready for work."

She left the room, and Ivy to her thoughts.

What was the label on her and Michael? It was obvious that it was more than just friends, but they weren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend. She didn't even want to think of the term friends with benefits, one of her exes had wanted to remain 'friends with benefits' and she was naïve at the time and went along with it, until she realised he had gotten himself a new girlfriend at the university he was at, so was using her when he came home on days off. She gave up trying to label it in the end. Labels were complicated.

Ivy flicked the TV on and scrolled through all the channels trying to find something to watch, to no avail. Nova came through in her uniform, said a quick goodbye and headed out of the door.

Ivy decided that she wanted to go on the Xbox, so she loaded it up and played on that. She managed to play on it all day after losing track of time, with a break to have some tea and watch the night time soaps.

Nova got home around 10pm, and didn't seem right. She was a lot quieter than her usual self, and usually would have made a remark about Ivy still being on the Xbox.

"What's up? Bad shift?" Ivy asked.

"Something like that." She responded.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry."

"Please Nova, its better to talk about these things." She begged, using a line Nova usually uses on her when she's trying to get something out of her.

"Fine, but you arent gonna like it."

"What, why?"

She took her phone out of her bag and was on it for a few minutes before turning it around and handing it to Ivy.

"Fuck." Ivy commented.

She had loaded up twitter, and was showing her a tweet. It was a picture that she couldn't work out what it was to start with. Then it hit her. She saw a black car,  with three figures near the door. One of them was stretching up giving one a hug and the other was opening the car door. She realised it was her, Michael and Nova.

"I didn't even see anyone, how did this happen?!" She continued.

"I don't know, but that's not why I'm so upset." Nova replied. "Read the comments, and the caption."

She read the caption first, it read: 'proof of Michael hook up'. She was already fuming, she may have had sex with him, but it was far from a hook up. Next she started to read some of the comments.
'Could just be a fan?'
'Definitely a hook up'
'Why would he hook up with that, she's fat as fuck.'
'Who cares? Michael looks so happy!' This one made her smile after the awful comment before.
'Three way!'
'Are they Mikes boxers? Dirty slut'

"Wow, people are fucking harsh." Ivy said.

"I know. I was fucked off with the ones about you, and then I found some people are slagging me off to!" Nova told her. "The worst part is we can't even defend ourselves because you can't see your face and the rain blurs mine, and it's best we don't out ourselves."

"I best let Mikey know, I'll text him cause I think he's busy."

She quickly text him that she needed to talk to him, and pulled up twitter on her phone, it didn't take her long scrolling through her feed to find the picture in a different tweet. It seemed the whole fanbase was talking about it. She couldn't help herself reading some of the comments on this one too.

The caption this time read: 'how come this fat bitch gets a hug and I didnt? @michael5sos'. She couldn't believe this person had the audacity to mention him in the caption. The comments on this one were worse.
'There's no way she's a hook up, mikey has standards'
'Eww I bet she stole his dirty boxers'
'Fat slut'
'Fat people shouldn't wear leggings'
'Fuck me instead'

The fact that the best insult they could come up with was fat, made her laugh. She called herself it everyday, she knew she was fat. Yes it hurt to read, but it didn't affect her as much as the fact people assumed it was a hook up. She couldn't help the thought that ran through her head as she closed twitter.

It wasn't just a hook up.. Was it?

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